Felicia Browne
Felicia Browne

It is a tragedy for our society when any child takes his or her life. The death of 12 year old Shamar Weeks in Barbados is one more example of the many children who have committed suicide within the Caribbean region. Teen suicide is one of the major concerns for adolescents who suffer from depression and other serious emotional problems, including trauma from domestic and community violence. The West Indian Medical Journal (2012) states that “Suicide has become a major public health problem among children and adolescents. Over the past five decades, there has been an increase in suicide in adolescents, particularly in developing countries. Cross-national data revealed that about 25% of all suicides occurring globally are in the 15–24year age group, referred to as Transitional Age Youth.

Read FULL TEXT of the submission

72 responses to “Teen Suicide: Boys Need Help Too.”

  1. @David……It gets more interesting.

    “The Royal Barbados Police Force (RBPF) has an obligation to its internal and external clients to deliver professional investigative services at all times. Forensic evidence often forms part of these services; frequently it is the most critical determinant of the integrity of the services. As a consequence, the RBPF always seeks to ensure it employs the best forensic resources available to it. Having considered all the issues in the case of Shemar Patrick Weekes and the dire consequence of misinformation, it is the reasoned judgment of the Authorities that a more scientific approach which is not available here should be employed. Hence, there has been a delay in the conduct of the post mortem. Nevertheless, measures to procure these scientific services have already been employed.

    See more at: http://www.nationnews.com/nationnews/news/67618/police-seeking-assistance-shemar-weekes-autopsy#sthash.2CBHs21p.dpuf

  2. And guess what all of the above mentioned in the last comment cost money. Are you willing to dole out the extra cash necessary to implement these new and bold initiatives. Ac challenge all theblp foot soldiers to excute and forward those initiatives presenting and demanding of the blp leadership to take a closer look going forward
    By giving thoughtful concern on the issues and concerns of mental issues affecting the poor.furthermore in so doing not only by talk but by action.
    However those on the other side would not be surprised ( given her previous rantings and ramblings concerning what she described as “freeness” for the poor ) if a change of heart by Mia would be politically motivated

  3. @Hants

    It is interesting and opens the question about the quality of forensic investigations to date. Let us see how this plays out.

  4. Do you really think it’s productive turn EVERY ISSUE (especially one such as this suicide) presented to BU for discussion into a DLP versus BLP scenario? But this is your political strategy.

    You DLP political pimps and yard-fowls always talk about poor people, and this particular DLP administration has eroded all the social initiatives introduced by previous DLP administrations. Free health care; free child day care; free tertiary level education; NIS (whereby we have a situation whereby those who are unemployed, sick, on maternity leave and in some cases, old age pensioners have to wait long for their benefits.

    A previous DLP administration decreased severance payments and the period during which an individual could receive unemployment benefits.

    Are these situations not affecting POOR PEOPLE?

    I challenge you AC and the other DLP yard-fowls on BU (and I notice since Stuart’s comments about “yard-fowls” you have ceased using the term), rather than coming to the site with a lot of shiite political diatribe, come with something sensible.

    Judging from the type of reasoning, political spin and rhetoric you constantly use on BU, you are essentially using this site to mount a political campaign for the DLP. Your strategy is similarly used on the platforms political meetings.

    Unfortunately for you, 95% of those individuals who contribute on BU (with the exception of Togetherness, Waiting, My Two Cents, NationBLPNewspaper, Fractured BLP and AC) are intelligent and focused enough not to be taken in by your shiite.

  5. Arterexes..

    Do you think ac gives a rats a..s.s what you think about the comments..it is like throwing salt in your eyes and it gives ac,s a belly laugh.

  6. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    You are a sick demented woman with a serious psychosis.

    In one breath you come with your parsimonious rantings about how we must be conscious about what your clique of vagabonds were doing to address suicide by football matches and camps.

    Two seconds later, you start cussing on the same site which seeks for the most part to commiserate with those who feel that we have all lost a child and seek, in some form or fashion, to say to each of us, this is our responsibility and to make us cognisant of the fact that we collectively are failing.

    If only for this one act, I would really ask that you should be banned for the rabid animal that you are.

  7. David,

    I am painfully aware that we live in an imperfect world. Just like Jesus though, I must state the ideal towards which we must look for direction. I am doing my best in my sphere of influence to convince my church to actively join in the fight at the community level with practical programmes. So far I have been shut down by the general body but I have recently acquired a partner to whom it will probably pay greater attention. It is the job of the State to protect our children. They cannot do it alone. My pre-teen son and I are working. Since we’re all of us in agreement here that not enough is being done – what are we all going to do about it?

  8. Ammmm.(foot soldier)Artexeres why would ac engaged in speculative rheotric in regards to a tragedy..ac deals in fscts not hearsay or some media perceptions .
    Btw you should have noticed that my comments here dealt wiith facts.

  9. pieceuhderockyeahright May 20, 2015 at 10:44 AM #

    “If only for this one act, I would really ask that you should be banned for the rabid animal that you are.”

    I agree with you 200%, PUDRYR, Irene and her lot need to be given a time out, and forcibly so, from BU……. it’s about time.

    Some have argued that diverging views will make this forum a bit more interesting. However, the consortium does not bring anything of substance to any discussion, only a lot of party political rhetorical diatribe, while turning every issue into BLP versus DLP contest. This has become quite sickening. Every day, to every topic….. “same old warmed over soup.”

    A good example is this topic. The ONLY things that group of yard-fowls can mention as government’s child development policies are summer camps and “free bus fares”, NOTHING else. They should be ashamed!!

  10. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    pieceuhderockyeahright May 20, 2015 at 10:44 AM #

    You are a sick demented woman with a serious psychosis.

    In one breath you come with your parsimonious rantings about how we must be conscious about what your clique of vagabonds were doing to address suicide by football matches and camps.
    But you have to agree with Ronald Jones’s latest statement that some people should not have children.
    Including his Mamma , I can think of quite a few others close to him.

  11. I am a DLP yardfowl. I also am well aware that you cannot defend the indefensible.

    For the longest while I stopped reading anything posted by ac and a few others.

    If wunna don’t like what a poster writes don’t read it. You are FREE.

    David should not ban anybody unless they threaten the existence of BU.

  12. D Ingrunt Word Avatar
    D Ingrunt Word

    Aratax and Pieces you guys are definitely reasonable and sensible fellows but unfortunately you also display your S&M proclivities on this AC folly fah all to see. We all have got caught in attempts to ‘debate’ their positions because we actually believe we are dealing in a rational way with rational people. STOP. That is not the case.

    In simple terms, IGNORE the consortium and their political piffle. To continue to focus on their drivel is to empower their words…

    Consider how Kim Kardashian parlayed the public’s base desire for any and all drivel into a $Billion corporate juggernaut…why give AC even a modicum of notice in that vein.

    At least Kim is very easy on the eyes and creates a wonderful fantasy that her man can get to heaven and back in 10 minutes or less; among other things that drives her business.

    But, good lawd, AC does not present scandalously funny (or salacious) political videos or commentary and is certainly not pretty in word or thought.

    So, why are you guys wasting time adding to their ‘Kim’ show?

    Uness they are breaking news from the PM or Gov’t they are USELESS, so surely you guys can get your self flagellation vibe going otherwise!

    Go to WI town hall meeting on Friday or become a fan of Real Madrid or Man U or something like that. Lotta pain and much to talk about in any of them. But please cease and desist from responding or even seriously reading AC.

    Doing yourselves a grave injustice!

  13. Here comes the”jolly green giant”on the attack.
    Great one of stature what could have ac done so wrong to have cause u to take your usually large feet and stamp them in my neck .Please sir i beg your forgiveness if a told a truth which u rather forget. Peace and out..Hav a nic day.

  14. Sorry bro deigrunt t
    my attackers cannot help themselves cause inside all my rantings and ramblings and dilpish language there are facts and truths which they have to erase, so like good students they keep there pencils sharpened with an oversize erase .. Iam not here to convince just simply to connect the dots.

  15. Can we stay on the subject and not travel the predictable path.

  16. “In an era when the educational system was “liberated” thereby enabling all and sundry to acquire an education, it is rather unfortunate and disturbing that some people, who profess having intelligence, can put their dignity aside and blindy support any political party.”

    So profound Arta, so true; and even moedisturbing is that this political tribalism is well entrenched.

  17. Good morning balance,

  18. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    Meanwhile a 23 year old St Thomas father has been charged in connection with the death of his 3-month old daughter.
    (fine print today’s Nation page 3)
    Whats next? Like Haiti is accused to have done , have we made a pact with the Devil early in 2008 ?

  19. When we have senior policy makers saying that our children have devils in them…why are we then surprised when stupid parents beat their children…perhaps the parents are hoping to beat the devils out of their children.

    For the record let me state that none of our children have devils in them.

    Unfortunately I can’t say the same for politicians…but nobody beats the politicians.

  20. only cowards beat their children,,imagine an adult ten times the the size of the average child resorts to antiquated and barbaric practices to discipline a child, what does that say of a “so call modern society” which prides itself on intellectualism having to lean on inhumane practices to discipline a child. it says that society is sick and in need of mental psychological and sociological help .a society that is teaching and developing offspring to be wife beaters and females living in a world of fear an frigging bogged down with unhealthy traits that leads to low self esteem which then is manifested in social and economic problems for self and govts,

  21. therefore it is necessary and important that society gets back to the drawing board crave out a path that is constructive not only to child discipline but to human discipline one that removes obstacles of destruction .one that is entrenched with a full fledged of positive growth and practicalities that is formulated into building minds towards that which is useful and progressive .
    The old adage that we are what we think and what we believe can be applied and quickly transformed in the development of the mind and patterns exhibited in human behaviour

  22. On Calgary news tonight there was a story about a 12 year old that died from hanging as a result of a game on the internet, children are encouraged to do it and are told it is safe and will get a high from it. The parents figured their son died because he tried it on his own.

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