The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest. Only aim to do your duty, and mankind will give you credit where you fail. ― Thomas Jefferson

Dispute with Waste Haulers enter second week.
Dispute with Waste Haulers enter second week.

The dispute between the Waste Haulers is about to enter a second week and as the impact of the tipping fee on the public becomes clearer there is a disturbing observation a vigilant public must also be concerned about.

One of the principle players in the dispute was served an enforcement notice by the Town Planning Office. BU holds no brief for Mr. Anderson Cherry and Jose y Jose, if he is in breach of a Town Planning (TP) regulation the law should take its course. BU has good reason to question the timing of the enforcement notice. There is a further report another Waste Hauler was served notice by the Barbados Revenue Authority (BRA). It begs the question why no similar audit has been requested by Commissioner of the Barbados Revenue Service Margaret Sivers on Leroy Parris for example?

The other interesting observation about the Waste Haulers protest is the report several drivers of the trucks were asked to produced licenses and insurance documents by police; this they did without incident.

One can be very naive and dismiss the interventions of the TP, BRA and Police as mere coincidences. This is Barbados and the sensible among us understand exactly what is playing out here.  Who is it who once said eternal vigilance is the price of liberty? As citizens we cannot become so cavalierish when independent organizations are so easily manipulated by political appointees with the objective of intimidating those who elected them.

It is no secret former acting permanent secretary Commissioner Margaret Sivers is a favourite of this government. Her expanded role as head of the BRA bears eternal vigilance although it is probably too late. Whether we liked how former Commissioner Darwin Dottin executed his duties – especially as it relates to allegations of misuse of wiretapping equipment – we observed naked political intervention to see his removal and replaced by Tyrone Griffith who has a few skeletons in his closet also. Many questioned why the government appointed Guyson Mayers as head of the Police Service Commission (PSC) given his forays on Democratic Labour Party (DLP) election platforms. The PSC was responsible for giving Dottin his marching order.

Another key player in the Waste Hauler dispute is the incorrigible Denis Lowe. He has made blunder after blunder, told lie after lie, frequently delivering orchestrated statements with the proverbial forked tongue yet an explained unwillingness by the prime minister to censure him. BU listened to minister of foreign affairs Maxine McClean proffering a feeble defence on behalf of Lowe last week on talk radio. Minister McClean should leave her Goebbels inclination to the Senate! To clarify a statement made by her to the youthful and enthusiastic Corey Layne, Chris Sinckler was ‘ordered’ to remove the Solid Waste Tax because he is on public record admitting the cash strapped government now has to look for $40 million dollars. It was not removed out of the goodness of his heart after a review. By the way, does anyone know if Bizzy Williams of SBRC was repaid all monies owed? One of the reasons offered by the minister of finance was that the Solid Waste Tax was to be used to repay SBRC.

Back to Lowe: BU is not an admirer of Lowe after we discovered he was being financed by Peter Allard to be a political stooge. BU published several blogs which exposed Lowe for the disingenuous political fraud we know him to be.

Related Articles about Minister Denis Lowe:

Minister Denis Lowe has zero credibility given his personal indiscretions. His handling of the NCC matter inspires zero confidence when dealing with labour disputes under his purview. One year later former employees he tearfully promised at the LSCC would have received justice by the Employment Rights Tribunal are still waiting for their rights under law to be administered. To suggest BU is disappointed at the quality of governance by the Stuart government would be the greatest understatement. The media has done a good job highlighting the dispute however the fissures in our governance system exposed by the dispute merit greater coverage.

The time has come for People Assemblies to reconvene to ensure the views of ordinary citizens have a equal voice and the power of a manipulative political class  is curtailed. a pipe dream some will say but there is an inevitability to it.

96 responses to “Waste Dispute and Governance”

  1. David how can u bodly state that my comment on 9.43 am was placed in moderation for about seven hours because of the initials”MINISTER OF FINANCE(usining the intitial)” when subsequently following that comment I made a comment around 11.36 am referencing “MINISTER OF FINANCE(using the initials} and it was not placed in moderation.David imho u have fallen way down the integrity pole especially in lieu of the fact that you have been quick to chastize ac on those issues that lend themselves to integrity .be that as it may u are forgiven as the godly book states to us lowly mortals to first pick the beam out of one’s own eyes

  2. Barbadians are always the first to “cry out” not me! not me! let somebody else do it ,but when disaster stricks home then they run around holding belly blaming everyone but themselves, the suicide of the little boy is a prime example about the hypocricsy of this nations people ,why ac mentioned this because the root causes of the problems and their solutions is associated tp a perverted sway of society looking inthe other direction and expecting solutions to fall from the sky without immediate action (costwise)the same can be applied to this issue with the garbage haulers ,until a catasphroic event occurs on this island and the root causes pertains environmental issues only then would bajans take heed ,,until then the blame game and not me shouts across the room would continue as the political football is kick up and down the field,

  3. @ AC
    If you had any integrity or self pride you would stop posting on BU…


  4. Kammie Holder Avatar

    Barbados only have a waste manage problem because of a failure of governments to enact legislation to make sorting and recycling mandatory. B’s and others would collect recyclables for free. Construction waste could be reconstituted while green waste can be used with composting to enrich soil. SBRC is too be and is a project typical of poor negotiation skills.

    In all fairness the Solid Tax was not a bad idea as the polluter should pay it however was an inequitable tax which should have been based on consumption. Thus the more waste you produce thru consumption the more you should pay.

    Finally, the current government is not about waste reduction as a way to justify the Cahill WTE if in doubt ask Dr Denis Lowe

  5. In the bad old days of the colonial Anglican vestry system,young 12 year old Weekes would most likely be personally known to the parish priest of St Lucy’s Parish Church and would most likely be enrolled in the Church Lads Brigade as well as being a member of the church choir or in serving at the altar.In addition,in those far off days,the vestry system’s Church Warden,also a respected member of the Anglican Church would have been brought into the loop and made aware of the child’s circumstances so as to provide acceptable remedy.Further the Anglican minister,called Rector of the parish of St Lucy,was required to go into the highways and bye ways on foot,and to enter every home irrespective of the occupant’s station in life,to listen and to advise,to console and to remedy any untoward circumstance affecting a family’s wellbeing.Life was not easy but remedies were in place to prevent the type of situation which gave rise to the youngster’s misfortune.
    It is ironic that the representative for the constituency of St Lucy,a shopkeeper and restaurateur,carrying on a business not far from the scene of the accident did not seem to be aware that one of his charges went hungry as reported in the press.Further,can minister Blackett say what was the role of the Constituency Council of St Lucy in this development.
    All of you of the political class should hang your head in shame.That a 12 year old otherwise healthy looking child,benefitting from a good secondary school education should have apparently become so overwhelmed by developments in his young life that he saw no other way to deal with it.

  6. Is Donville shifting from his commitment to Cabinet collective responsibility ? We think not because Estwick has shattered that convention long time.

  7. @ Gabriel
    All of you of the political class should hang your head in shame.That a 12 year old otherwise healthy looking child,benefitting from a good secondary school education should have apparently become so overwhelmed by developments in his young life that he saw no other way to deal with it.
    This is one time that the political class CANNOT be singled out for special cussing…. This is a TOTAL societal failure …. and it is ongoing.
    In fact, it is why we have the politicians that we have…

    We don’t give one ass about the poor …. We just look to suck up to those who have, …hoping for some easy crumbs.
    It is all driven by this ‘money/material’ focus….

    Lotta shiite!!!

    We have NO value or respect for HUMAN VALUES and CHARACTER…..and the joke is that these are the only things of real worth in this shiite life…

    The true surprise is that our donkeys have not been in the grass LONG ago…

  8. @ Kammie
    “…..Thus the more waste you produce thru consumption the more you should pay.” +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    You are too damn arrogant when you go on Brass Tacks ….especially with Corrie…
    Tek it easy Boss….

    …also, because we seem to be dealing with brass bowls, an even better approach would be a policy where “the more waste you import or generate for local use the more you should pay up front.”
    Those business entities that exploit the develop world’s wasteful throw-away ploys via marketing and advertising, to encourage this waste …need to be specially targeted.

    Also you must know that this approach of ‘passing laws’ don’t mean squat in a place where the court system is dead, …and the police are all acting….

  9. Bush shit what does integrity and self pride have to do with a person stating their views diabolical nincoompoop.

  10. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    @Tea Bush

    You said it honey. But I do not agree with you concerning where the blame is to be cast. We have the type of society base on the type of enviroment we have created and the systems that are put in place to keep it that way. So yes we got free education that did us well throughout years but we also have a job market dominated predominantly by the minorirty groups who keep the playing field level strictly for those within the rank and file of their minorities. We have a government system that is base on who you know, thus employment in the civil service is generally not about the ability to produce with the correct qualifications but the amount of numbers that can cast the vote to keep their interests alive. So the nonsense that we see happening in our society is failure of the political system because they are the primaries, who can change the course and direction in which a society will end up.

  11. @Gabriel May 18, 2015 at 8:33 AM “In the bad old days of the colonial Anglican vestry system,young 12 year old Weekes would most likely be personally known to the parish priest of St Lucy’s Parish Church…”


    But in the good old days Bajan children suffered and died at the hands of their parents and step parents and neighbours…but the mass media did not penetrate every village…and there was no social media. We did not live in a global village but in a collection of isolated villages…I grew up hearing that a woman nicknamed “Love” a good Anglican who beat her teenage daughter to death, because the young girl was “looking for a man”…nothing happened to the mother…there was no prosecution…the mother remained an aggressive “Christian/Anglican” person until she died of advanced old age.

    And the man in a neighbouring village who impregnated 2 of his teenage daughters. I met one daughter in her old age and she was trembling with rage as she said that she was glad of an opportunity to migrate to England and she determined that she would not return to Barbados until her father had died. She is still alive as is the son forced on her by her own father.

    And in my own village the 25 year old man who impregnated a 13 year old and then took of to America where he became a Pentecostal pastor…where he remains a Pentecostal pastor. The teen mother died of “old age” when she was 31…beaten down by abuse by him and subsequently by others.

    I am one person recalling 3 incidents in 3 villages between 1930 and 1964. I am certain that the same nastiness was taking place in every village. You can do the math to see how widespread the problem of abuse was and is.

  12. Bush shit it is clowns liku u who over the years have added nothing but criticism to oppose govts policies that would be the base or start up foundation to tackling enviromental issues or any issue ..self centred concentrating on building upfor yourself ..wanting to pay little or nothing for the preservation of country..but expecting a high quality of life most of your criticisms rings hallow for the simple reason they a revolve around self.

  13. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    I could not think of a more apt topic (Waste Dispute and Governance) to describe what is happening to this country. This administration is a waste and there is a total failure of this Government to adhere to any rules of governance. They ignore all rules and conventions that have withstood the test of time and do whatever they like. The Opposition is also part of the problem. They seem to be saying that they would let the Government implode and they would pick up the pieces. That strategy is the type of reasoning you would expect from idiots. The country might have fallen of a precipice, with no recovery in sight, before the Government demits office.

    We now have Minister Donville Inniss making statements as though he is not part of the Cabinet or as though the Cabinet does not meet. Is he saying to the public that his hardheaded fellow cabinet ministers do not listen. And this is his way of jumping ship by allowing the country to know that he would behave differently than his colleagues. I thing that we might need to brush off an old cliche and amend it to say: there is no honour among cabinet members.

    Let me end as I began by suggesting that this impasse with the waste haulers is just another example of Government ignoring the law to do what it likes. At present, there is no law in place that allows the Sanitation Service Authority to levy a fee on anybody to allow them to dump at SBRC. THEY SHOULD REFUND ALL THOSE WHO HAVE ALREADY PAID.

    This is a lawless government.

  14. Simple Simon thank you. People feel that this thing called abuse is new to Barbados. It wasn’t called abuse in days of yore, it was considered a part of village life that was known to all but not outsiders. Neighbours know what is going on BUT they prefer to keep their mouths shut than to spill the beans on one of them. Communities are great keepers of their secrets. Why do you think what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?

  15. D Ingrunt Word Avatar
    D Ingrunt Word

    How can we so easily look past a mother, father, relatives the village, school teachers, Child CB and get all the way up to the political class regarding the tragic death of this troubled youth.

    There are too many human beings who interacted with this youngster that one of them should not have noticed some signs of him ‘going over the cliff’.

    To quote the resident sage BushTea: ” This is a TOTAL societal failure …. and it is ongoing.”

    Right now at another school there are ‘food’ programs that some teachers with friends have put in place to assist students; there are fights with weapons on that school premises; there is rampant sexual ‘deviant’ behaviour. No doubt many know of these things; and I am not talking about Parkinson or any recent school in the news.

    btw, Bush Tea when I told you moons back that the emphasis must be on the youth it was to these type of fundamental issues that I focused.This tragedy ideally is a serious wake-up call.

    We are lost in the jungle of this pervasive corruption at the top but the fundamentals at some schools are horrendous.

    Thus another entire contingent of Bajans are being lost and made into ‘hewers’ of future societal pain: that next generation of corrupt, sociopathic misbehavior. That is what they are living now and no one is there to help them step off.

    This type tragedy should make all Bajans stop and pay attention: Our society is off the rails and has been for a long time…serious work needed- separate from the political BS – to get it back on track.

  16. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    You bettas be careful with your commentary. This government is not only a waste but their are dangerous and vengeful. You are not at all immune to be ‘destruction.’

  17. I have no incontrovertible evidence but I playing “connect the dots” and or “word disassociation”.

    Don…Missing In Action….Cherry picking Waste….with one foot over De…BeeHive fence.

    Then again all a we is one BDajan family.

    And no Bushie. I am not under de influence even doh it is a bank holiday up hey.

  18. David (not BU) Avatar
    David (not BU)

    @Caswell Franklyn May 18, 2015 at 1:41 PM

    Have you given any thought to the idea that Donville is the only man who seem reasonable in this pack of clowns? Now why is that? That answer will be clear as day next year this same time.

    “This is a lawless government” were they not lawless when in opposition and put up those billboards? We behaving like we don’t know what this group is about.

    Kickbacks are now the sign bonus for these guys. What needed to asked and answered is who are some of the shareholders in these businesses.

    But alas we now come to see how good we really had it in 2007.

  19. Is Mia Mottley a shareholder in SBRC?

  20. David May 18, 2015 at 7:11 PM “Is Mia Mottley a shareholder in SBRC?”

    Don’t know David, but that is why we need to get all Members of Parliament to declare their assets…so that we have a good idea of who is making decisions based on their own financial self interest, rather than the national interest.

    But we have no law requiring our Members of Parliament do declare their hands, and none of our Members of Parliament seem interested in creating such a law.

  21. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Simple Simon

    We are going to need more than declaring assets. All someone needs to do is deposit the bribe money in their mother’s account and get her to do a will in favour of the crook so that the siblings would not have a claim if mummy passes.


  22. @ David
    Is Mia Mottley a shareholder in SBRC?
    When we look at the kinds of contracts that our politicians get us locked into, it is not difficult to see how there could be hidden agendas behind their actions….

    According to Dave Hinds, SBRC was awarded a contract to be paid for a fixed minimum amount of material each year…..making them a monopoly..
    Can you believe that SBRC is the same very ‘Bizzy’ body of IONICS…who, holds a contract which entitles him to be paid for millions of gallons of water each year…even if we CANNOT even physically get that water into our system?

    How does Bizzy get to convince these lawyers in parliament to hand him the keys to our treasury over and over…?

    WAIT!!!! …is this the same Bizzy who said on TV that he GIVES money to BOTH political parties? (Not that this is bribery, because the police and DPP will NEVER take any action about it…so um must be legal 🙂 )

    Also… You must know that our Company laws SPECIFICALLY does NOT require that shareholders be registered……only directors.
    If major shareholders of local companies (the REAL people who own and benefit from operations) were to be registered, then MANY strange things would make sense…..
    Do you remember that Parris ended up “owning” a piece of land -formerly owned by Rayside…. that went to a Company whose director was a lawyer from Thompson’s office…
    What else does Leroy secretly own?
    What does Mia really own?
    How about Arthur? Froon? Lowe….? Bushie?

    ….so a fellow approaches government with a $100M deal and some influential minister (or senior public servant) who is key to facilitating such a contract or giving permission …offers to become a shareholder….

    Who is to know….?
    The businessman is game, cause when the shit hits the fan, not a boy can touch him… ..cause HE knows the shareholders….

    Man…’bout here is a den of iniquity…..
    See if you can figure why esteemed non-lepers still walking bout free…
    ….or why speakers still speaking in the House…
    …or why BEES and DEES are in the same brotherhood

  23. bush shite u sound just like the opposition except nuhbody vote u fuh shit,,seem ole talk yet u have not put yh talk to good use ,,just hiding inside caswell pants pocket and bribing him to become a member of bup,

  24. David (not BU) May 18, 2015 at 6:36 PM #

    “…“This is a lawless government” were they not lawless when in opposition and put up those billboards? We behaving like we don’t know what this group is about.”

    Your comments reminded me of Guyson Mayer’s article in yesterday’s Sunday Advocate, entitled “Elections and Democracy.” He wrote the following:

    “It is amazing how ordinary persons in Opposition become gods in their own eyes when they assume the rein of political power.”

  25. Caswell Franklyn May 18, 2015 at 8:48 PM “We are going to need more than declaring assets. All someone needs to do is deposit the bribe money in their mother’s account.”


    Some of these mummies are way too “nice”.

    If my children tried that trick with me I would start spending their money like it is mine (’cause it is in my bank account so it must be mine) and I wouldn’t tell them a word…and when I die


    Which is why I will never be elected to anything because I am probably worse character than any current or past parliamentarian.

  26. @bu “Minister Denis Lowe has zero credibility given his personal indiscretions. His handling of the NCC matter inspires zero confidence when dealing with labour disputes under his purview. One year later former employees he TEARFULLY promised at the LSCC would have received justice.”

    Never trust a man who cries in public.

    How many of his relatives are on the payroll of the NCC?


  27. David (not BU) Avatar
    David (not BU)

    how stupid can you be? there is no law which says someone will come looking at your bank accounts so why put the money on your mother’s account anyhow? world dumbest criminals.

  28. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    In last Sunday’s newspapers we see the SSA advertising for tenders to supply that department with Skip trucks and skips.
    Lets hope that when the SSA eventually take possession of these units that they are not as hastily and shoddily slapped together as the specifications they were seeking in the advert.
    (a) Number of Cycles………Six in line or V8 , (instead of number of CYLINDERS)
    (b) Engine…………………….Four Stroke,Water Collected..(instead of WATER COOLED)

    (c)Gross vehicle Weight…..15,000 -17000 Kgs
    Front Axle………….blah blah blah
    Rear axle ………….blah blah blah
    The Road Traffic Laws of Barbados demands that any vehicle in excess of 12000kgs
    should be equipped with three (axles) ie Front and Two rear axles.

    If SSA is not able to get the simple specifications right, no wonder that they require a complete fleet renewal every 9 months.

  29. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    No one may come looking into the gentleman’s bank account while his party is in power, as they are all magpie birds of the same feather. But this chap’s Nest Egg is for the coming times when he and his party are no longer in power,and the other party, or the US-Embassyleaks may expose him.

  30. Bernie Fields Avatar

    During a call to the call in program a few weeks ago, Bizzy Williams told David Ellis that the money collected from the municipal solid waste tax was not paid to him and that the Government still owed him in excess of $30 million.

    Mr Ellis was quite shocked since payment to SBRC was the reason given by Government for the collection of the tax in the first place.

  31. The jokers from this DLP administration never cease to amaze. From the day they assumed the reins of government, their strategy was that of using their constituency branch meetings to cuss those who are critical of government’s policies or who may have an alternative opinion, and blame the BLP. In fact, they spent their first term in office blaming the BLP and the recession.

    When this situation with the haulers came to the fore and they began to protest, in keeping with the DLP’s script, Sinckler said that the tipping fee was on the books since the 1990s. He was basically saying “Don’t blame us, blame the BLP, government is a continuum and as such, we are mandated to introduce the few.”

    Then we have one of the biggest jokers in Maxine McClean, who loves to call “Brass Tacks”, especially when Corey Layne is the moderator. She would have known Corey from his childhood days since they are from the Free Hill and Danesbury areas, and perhaps she uses this fact to try to intimidate him. However, while talking to Corey last week relative to the issue, in defense of the tipping few, she quickly stated it was on the books since the 1990s.

    But I hope the DLP and their supporters listened to Donville Inniss and bear in mind what he said at Sunday’s joint constituency meeting of the St. James branches. He was reported to have said THERE WAS NO NEED FOR YELLING OR LABELING PERSONS AS “BEES OR DEMS” BECAUSE THEY HAD OPPOSING VIEWS.

    Irene and the other ACs, take heed.

  32. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    The tipping fee relates to dumping at Sanitation Service Authorities facilities. There is no law on the books that would allow the SSA to charge a fee to dump at SBRC. I would expect Sinckler to jump in and say something like that because he does not read and understand well; someone would have told him so, but I would not have expected that from Maxine.


  33. @ Caswell
    ……but I would not have expected that from Maxine.
    You can be so naive when it comes to your Credit Union friends….

  34. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    Interesting bit in the Advocate today which raises a couple of questions.
    Firstly, SBRC is guaranteed payment for 360,000 tonnes of waste a year at a specific price. What happens when the Waste to Energy plant opens? Will Government have to pay SBRC for waste capacity it does not actually use?
    Secondly, SBRC does not process construction waste. It just takes it to a tip at Mile and a Quarter. Could the haulers take their construction waste straight there? Would it be cheaper for them? If they did, Government would be left holding the bill for the annual guaranteed amount of waste.

  35. Why would it take nearly two weeks for Lowe to appreciate charging 1.2 tones will be charged as 2 tones under law and therefore inequitable?


  36. A fairly well typed main thread, on the whole.

    But spoiled by the fact that at its end, it is read as calling for the reconvening of so-called People Assemblies (by the BLP).

    What rubbish!!

    Only the politically unsophisticated would realize that the DLP and the BLP are not identical in most of their political attitudes, ideologies, philosophies, and methodologies, when dealing with and administrating much of the politics and government of this country.

    Between 1994 and 2008, the Owen Arthur BLP Administrations grossly and recklessly mismanaged many of the political and governmental affairs of this country, so much so that many of the adverse corrosive effects of such a disgraceful chapter in the history of the government and the society of Barbados are still be felt today.

    And who would believe that some of the proven egregious political characters of those previous Administrations are seeking governmental office again; in pretty much the identical way in which some of the proven disdainful political characters of the 1987 – 1994 Erskine Sandiford DLP Administrations sought and achieved governmental office in 2008 and 2013 as part of these 2010 and 2013 Freundel Stuart Administrations – the worst and most incompetent political governmental administrations so far in the post-independence history of Barbados.

    So it is clear why the broad masses and middle classes of this country must sooner rather later ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY PERMANENTLY remove the these intellectually and politically backward, bankrupt and discredited DLP and BLP factions from the political landscape of this country, and replace them with a set of very able, committed, disciplined, patriotic, nationalist, developmentalist, people-centered and coalition building political groups.

    Forwards Ever, Backwards Never!!


  37. @PDC

    Please read with understanding. People Assemblies was used in its generic meaning.

  38. We are reading with total understanding!!

    Your slip is again showing.

    Then there is absolutely no need to RECONVENE any so-called People Assemblies lead by Ms Mia Mottley – the absolute worst Opposition Leader this country has so far seen in its post-independence history.

    Rather, there is a TOTAL ABSOLUTE need to continue the process of the dismantling and removal of this idiotic DLP/BLP governmental cycle.

    Forwards Ever, Backwards Never!!


  39. @PDC

    You have confirmed you are a total JA.

  40. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ David [BU]

    Indeed an oxymoron “re read with understanding” and PDC.

    This is actually a recurring theme – looking for intellect and capable, alternative leadership among our population with the ability to thin, discern, comprehend and put in action reasoned strategies for GOD and nation.

    We get neither right consistently

  41. @PUDRYR

    The PDC people should have a read of the history of democracy going back to Greece to place in context the reference to reconvening assemblies.

  42. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Mr. Caswell Franklyn

    It would seem like if you may not offer yourself for national service a sad prospect but your choice to make.

    It has been the ole man’s experience that men with honour and integrity WILL by natural laws of nature have men or women, of similar ilk, gravitate to them.

    As a citizen who loves my country could I ask 2 favours?

    One. Ask your possible alternative(s) to come here

    Two. Ask them to comment about what is their vision for our isle and how they will make it happen

    Tell them to use their real names

    Real men with balls use their real names therefore I am not a real man but one who lurks in the shadows of the wraith kingdom afraid of the vagaries of this real BLP/DLP vindictive world and soon to be a citizen of the “other world” where, according to Hollywood and Shakespeare, only wraiths return

  43. This whole episode with the SSA is despicable, the whole of Barbados is now a dumping ground, one only has to drive around and see all the rubbish pile up at the side of the roads, and some are even scattered in the road. Another disgusting element in the keeping Barbados clean is laughable, since last week with the high winds & rough seas brought a lot of seaweed and sand on the Board walk between Hastings and Accra; from Kentucky restaurant down toward Hastings Rock has been cleaned, but further up toward Accra Beach all the sand is left on the walkway, it is like actually walking on the beach, it is very difficult for people to walk on. Isn’t this area part of the Board walk also? Why are the workers sleeping under the trees when they should be clearing the sand? Aren’t there any supervisors to organise the workers? Something really need to be done with the Minister responsible for the maintenance of these areas; and once again the canal has been blocked for ages with sand and dirty water.

  44. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    There are times when I read submissions from you with a smile. And other times when I wish there were two big rocks close by to pelt at wunna friggin heads for talking a whole roll of toilet paper. Why the heck can you not continue to write with this type of sense. This is how you people should write. How many of you are doing the write ups that on one occasion there is clarity of thought and vison and on the next a ba-roll repeated nonsense?

  45. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    just asking May 20, 2015 at 3:38 PM #

    Something really need to be done with the Minister responsible for the maintenance of these areas;
    FYI. The same minister is on record saying that nobody can move him.

  46. This one man wrecking ball has to go!

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