Perhaps our sports officials are unaware of the impact of such an event [2015 Jamaica International Invitational] in inspiring the country’s youth, in building national pride, and in building a sporting heritage – Bush Tea

Obadele Thompson
Obadele Thompson

The Jamaica International Invitational 2015 track and field meet was a spectacular event for many reasons – view event 3hr 58m:-

A few observation regional decision makers should seriously consider after attending or viewing the event:

  • A stadium built to world class standard
  • The ability to attract sponsors both individual and corporate
  • Creating a world class sports program that is able to attract ‘visitors’ to the island, AND international media coverage
  • The ability of the authorities to fill the stands with PROUD Jamaicans
  • To observe children proudly wearing clothing with the names of Jamaican athletes emblazoned

The Jamaica detractors will retort, look at the problems of the economy which have spanned decades, the issues caused by the penetration of drugs in communities. Imagine if Jamaica did not have a successful sports program to negate social issues all societies have to tackle. Just imagine if Barbados with a more ‘stable’  social climate saw the benefit of efficiently investing in the youth through the avenues of sports and culture by reallocating resources from the traditional ‘heads’. How about directing the savings generated by preventing graft to sports– see Auditor General reports.

In contrast we have a dilapidated national stadium – the use of the public stands were recently condemned and directed to be repaired. We recently witnessed the cancellation of NAPSAC and BSSAC our two premier junior events.

Jamaica’s sports program is obviously 75 years or more ahead of Barbados but this is no reason – at a late stage – our planners and technocrats should not leverage a modicum of commonsense to identify the benefits to be accrued by vigorously pursuing a well thought out national sports program. A good entry point to force the culture change required to move to the next level is for the authorities to signal to Barbadians and beyond the importance of a well run sports program. It is no accident the ministry of sports in Jamaica is located in the prime minister’s office.

Local stakeholders charged with creating sporting excellence must accept that aged old policies have not been effective and make obvious decisions.  Barbadians are forced to observe the rotation of the same tired talking heads who manage several of our sports associations, many have been ensconced in the positions for decades.

How can we demand world class performances from young citizens who aspire to be world class athletes and excuse mediocre administrators?

10 responses to “On Your Mark, Get Ready …”

  1. […] By David […]

  2. Will wunna people mek up wunnah minds bout whom wunnah want to emulate? Recently someone was touting the state of the art stadium that the Bahamians build and now it is all about the Jamaicans and their stadium and 4 hour Track & Field extravaganza. Soon a delegation will be flying to these places on the peoples’ dime to observe how they have managed to pull of these feats. Of course that will be sometime after another delegation arrives in TO for the Pan Am Games, perhaps they can learn from the folks here as they are building many facilities to accommodate the Games which they promise will be available to the masses at the conclusion of the Games.

    I hear Bushie looking for sacrificial lambs.. er… members to join his BUP and I have some time on my hands so I will be coming down to jump start the enterprise and ensure everyone gets what they want and deserve…. stadium included…..i.e. if Bushie would have me as he don’t cotton to salt water Bajans coming in from the cold.

  3. @Sargeant

    Is the blog about Jamaica or more about strategic focus.

  4. New Stadium. Great idea.

    How much will it cost and how will it be financed?

    And why was the existing stadium allowed to deteriorate to its current state?

  5. @Hants

    Governments in this neck of the woods have a poor record of maintenance. Added, sports is given lip service. It has NEVER been identified as a key strategic initiative.

  6. We aint got nah money………

  7. @ Kevin
    We aint got nah money………
    OK … and Jamaica got a lot….right..?

    Our problem is not money, it is leadership….
    Instead of building a stadium or Sport industry, we built an Olympic museum ….
    …probably to display the world travels of the various administrators…
    Perhaps we can put Jamaica’s trophies on display for them…since we have the BOLT complex at Cave Hill…

  8. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    Would it not be less expensive and wiser to incorporate the Usain Bolt sporting complex at UWI Cave Hill into the proposed new National Stadium?

  9. Have you read Dr. Adrian Lorde and local administrators can’t agree on the best way to develop our young athletes? One thing we have to admit is that our administrators have done well in the hierarchy of world sport, SIR Austin, Dr. Lorde etc.

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