CaribbeanCapitalIn April of this year BU reported on Caribbean Capital Reserve Bank and exposed it for what  it is, a scam – see Caribbean Capital Reserve a Total SCAM. BU is pleased to acknowledge all the bloggers who helped to highlight this matter. It is a good feeling to know when something positive happens and that we (the BU rum shop) may have been a small contributor.  We urge the CIA to go further and remove the Facebook site as well.

29 responses to “Caribbean Capital Reserve Bank Taken Down by the CIA”

  1. @ David
    Surely as a non mainstream organ it cannot be that you would want to get into a revivalist spirit of praising the CIA. Coming with such praise you are also, implicitly, accepting the mountain of illegal. immoral actions which have taken place by that organization. Actions which continue today. We wonder why the CIA would have to be involved in such a low level matter? Surely this cannot be the same CIA currently sponsoring the ISIS in Iraq to kill Christians, could it? Can’t possibly be the same CIA that has murdered scores of world leaders since its founding, can it? On balance we are astonished that such a minor action could in one fell swoop wipe away the criminal history of the most notorious organization in history, arguably, and come in for such glowing praise.


    More to come , the crook , liars and scumbags from 1492 to 2014 and counting have been raping the Nations of the SO- called new world.
    Now the New World Police are here in full force to put things in Place.
    We are the One you have been waiting for, There is no One Else to to this but us.

    I SERVE.

  3. @Pacha

    Why do you muddy the issue. Was this a scam or not? Did it straddle national borders or not. Were US citizens involved or swiddled? You need to stop tossing the baby with the bathwater.

  4. @ David
    Yes, we agree. We should not throw out the ‘bath water’ with the ‘baby’!

  5. @Pacha

    BTW, BU received a nicely worded email fron the St. Lucia Online that expressed a high level of satisfaction with the blog. They requested an interview with the Blogmaster and extended the invitation to the blogger known as Pacha as well. Please advise if you will stand the scrutinity of a public interview and BU will forward the contact info.



    There are also many of us returning nationals, that have sent money here for property, and got here to find lands gone, sold and a trail of corruption and the disfinctional JUSTICE SYSTEM. As you have said, these scams have been going on to long, Watch out for Scotland Yard and some international law intervention.

    Effectively, Barbados judges “dispense” our rights at their whim and pleasure with total impunity.

    Unfortunately, ordinary Bajans or its citizens have no other means to enjoy or enforce their civil rights except through that same court system. The attorneys get there money in the bank for representing you, and your trapped. What this means is that without a mechanism for remedy, (the court and attorneys) you have no rights. If a judge refuses to order relief for the unjust gains then you don’t get any. Therefore, citizens have no choice but to (literally) pray to a judge for leave to assert their rights. Where their prayers are denied, their rights are denied. Clearly a system that is NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE.

    This type of abuse is exactly why our forefathers granted ordinary citizens the right to access the Grand Jury directly. It is a centuries old system of checks and balances imported from England, installed in America to protect ordinary citizens against judicial tyranny.

    Direct access to a grand jury is the victim’s path (us) around the victimizer’s (bad judges) roadblock.

    The system has a lot of secrets, well people shouldn’t have to pay to tell the truth.

    There will be a few fat cats belled.
    Plus a bit more power back to the people….

  7. David, I’m with Pachamama on this; you really do seem incredibly naive at times.

    if the CIA took out a scam bank, good chance it was taken out for either (1) not cooperating in laundering ill gotten gains from the CIA’s own drug running operations (2) maybe trying to stiff the CIA by skimming more than their fair share off the top, or (3) maybe being such an inept bunch of bunglers it risked exposing the CIA’s involvement in a drug smuggling operation. LOL

    Busted Again! Another American “Mystery Plane”
    July 15, 2014 by Daniel Hopsicker

    At the heart of the story of Australia’s current experience with the latest American-registered drug plane busted overseas is that this is not just another American “mystery plane.”

    It’s a “stealth” mystery plane.


    America’s ‘mystery planes’ are the Foo fighters of the 21st Century

    The notion of life as a series of “mysteries” which may never be solved may be replacing explanations citing “conspiracy” as the default rationale for unexplained events.

    In American general aviation, examples seem to be everywhere:

    “Crash Jet Had Air of Mystery,” headlined as New York Post story on an American-registered Gulfstream II luxury jet from St Petersburg caught carrying four tons of cocaine in the Yucatan in 2007.

    “How the U.S.-registered Gulfstream ended up in the hands of suspected drug traffickers,” reported the AP, covering the same story, “remains a mystery.”

  8. @Green Money

    And if you read the three reasons you have posited you are suggesging what? That BU should support the scam website?

  9. Handcuff (Hey Mr.Babylon) Avatar
    Handcuff (Hey Mr.Babylon)

  10. @ David

    Thanks for the invite. However, Pachamama by our very nature are not much different to the CIA, in some ways. We are currently engaged in an intelligence war with a whole population in danger and with the CIA as our chief adversary. In other ways we are enemies. Please convey our thanks and regret to you sister blogger. Again thanks for your consideration.

  11. David “They requested an interview with the Blogmaster ”

    Don’t do it David.

  12. I second that Hants.

  13. Lets face it, many governmental and nongovernmental organizations—including the United Nations (UN), the Organization of American States (OAS), the International Chamber of Commerce, Transparency International (TI), the World Economic Forum (WEF), World Bank, Interpol, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)—have developed an interest in dealing with corruption wold wide. Barbados will have to come inline, sooner rather than latter.

    Several reasons have been advanced to explain the sudden interest by these organizations. Changes in international political relations during the period from 1989 to 1991 significantly reduced people’s tolerance for incompetence, malfeasance, and venality in the public sector. As part of the movement toward improved governance, citizens of many countries demanded the elimination of corrupt practices. Thus, since the late 1980s, the balance of power in many countries has been shifting in favor of more open,” transparent,” and participatory governance structures.

    Scholars have identified three changes that have contributed to the globalization of corruption. First, greater levels of economic integration have increased chances that corruption in one region of the world will have an impact on economic and political activities in other parts of the world. For example, when the corrupt activities of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) forced it into insolvency in 1991, many economies around the world were affected. In fact, several countries in Africa suffered significant financial losses from the BCCI. So we watch and see, but we will still have to pay for justice…

  14. Hey Lifechanger, thought i had lost you


    Life changer | July 22, 2014 at 8:22 AM | **@@

    We at PLANTATION DEEDS and blood Family and friends that we know 1st hand , have felt the PAIN of non action of the BARBADOS POLICE AND ITS FRAUD SQUAD ,Part of this is because of pimp title holders blocking the laws , From the GG, CJ,PM, AG ,COP,Sir,QC.Lawyers, UDC,NHC,Inland , Land Tax , Water bill, ,Light &power,farmers , white, black crooks, Its like HIV in the system, It very hard to get it out the blood,
    We Have the cure,. ,,
    We can and will answer any question on line ,no matter who ask , NO question is to small to large , If you know we will say ,,, FREE-SMART OF INFORMATION,
    I SERVE.

  16. Plantation……check for an invite.

  17. The legal system in theory formally protects and facilitates acquisition and disposition of all property rights. In practice however, obtaining titles to land in Barbados is a cumbersome and non-transparent process which is a serious impediment to new investment. Companies as well as individuals should be aware that although they are legally protected against expropriation and should be guaranteed compensation, land is becoming an increasingly sensitive and heated issue for years, as we know your aware of. local and international level ethno-political considerations now see the protection of property rights inadequately enforced. The obtaining of land titles has been made more complicated by improper allocation of access and easements to third parties. It is rather common for public officials or members of the police force to accept bribes or turn a blind eye in order to falsify deeds or contracts.
    Unfortunately, or fortunately, some of these property owners are international, inviting inspection of this system, now at auditing levels. “Stir up the muddy waters, and see what comes to the top.”
    Monitory wise, my family in England has £567.000.00 of cash sent over 30 years.
    Property and deeds, both sold and missing and a clogged up system where you have to pay, up front for representation, then wait.. To hear, nothing but lost paperwork and delays.
    When these external forces, such as CIA, Scotland Yard “assist” Barbados with the corruption problems, I’m sure we will be on the list, but we need criminal charges first, the heavey compensation, Liens and garnishment.

    Put simply, how these people will explain how they knew this was going on and did nothing about it.


    “Would you tell on a friend for shop lifting in front of you, and why or why not?”

    That’s the question I would like some genuine feedback on..,

  18. @ David [BU]

    Beware of Greeks bearing gifts….

    While it is commendable that another blog would wish to do an interview you should be careful about entertaining these outings for the simple reason of keeping a low profile.

    While it is true that a few people know your identity, it is equally true that many dont and therein lies your “safety” for the time being at least.

    The Lucian blog may contract to secure your advice/services etc and other technical expertise but there is perhaps some conspiracy element in my DNA that suggest that no good can come of the BU blogmaster whom, unlike Afra Raymond and other blogmasters worldwide, being known to the public, in the case of the Witch Hunters of Bulbados, it would be wise NOT TO do the open-air thing.

    Next thing you know BRA investigating you for something and then they put a lien or something pun de BU site and all uh we soothsayers and doom and gloom bloggers up sh*te creek with you wid the ensuing law suits for defamation of character for the slanderous remarks we does be posting heah.

    De ole man is a conspiracists so forgive me these comments

  19. Thank, an interview can take a form to protect the parties who wish to remain anonymous. Thanks for all the feedback.

  20. Life changer + Avatar
    Life changer +

    “Everybody loves a conspiracy involving drama.” Its a human trait. Check out the hooked “DAYS OF OUR LIVES” watchers. Imagine if it was taken of air…

    A conspiracy theory on a grand scale such as 9/11 does not need evidence…it only needs spin.

    Knowledgeable people and politicians (the two usually have to be kept seperate) use conspiracies to divert peoples attention so while we are barking at the each other and cocerned about “everyone” in a civilised fashion, They are passing laws and increasing taxes to deprive us of more and more of our freedom.
    Smart, or just human nature…

    Fortune favours the bold, forget those childish fears and show out.

  21. Lifechanger…..I don’t think those international agencies can just fall in and do any investigations of land theft in Barbados, it might be out of their jurisdiction unless international laws have been broken, that’s why the DLP/BLP/Bizzy/Cow/Simmons crowd have gotten away with misappropriating the land of the gullible, elderly and unaware in Barbados without having to use powers of eminent domain which would only leave a paper trail not to mention give them a lot of work to do, which they try to avoid in the first place.

  22. David King from Barbados Underground is well advised to wear a Black Ski Mask like Pussy Riot when interviewed



    Theories are Theories
    Facts are Facts
    Evidence is Evidence
    Evidence Based Facts required for Convictions

    World Cops
    MI5 GCHQ
    USA UK Spy illegally to obtain evidence
    USA UK Break International Laws
    Who’s going to police the Police

  23. Life changer + Avatar
    Life changer +

    @ Well Well.
    It may be enlightening to follow, what is really happening.
    Much attention has been paid to defining and clarifying the parameters of Government responsibility under human rights law for HLP rights violations, however, far less attention has been paid to the issue of individual and corporate responsibility for violations and especially, international criminal responsibility. This is despite the fact that history has repeatedly demonstrated that where Government have been left to investigate and prosecute individuals for human rights violations, including violations of HLP rights, they have consistently failed to launch genuine investigations or prosecutions – resulting in effective impunity for perpetrators.
    However, developments in the system of international criminal justice have provided important opportunities for the international community to end this impunity. In particular, the creation of the International Criminal Court has provided the international community with an enhanced ability to press national authorities to fulfil their duty to investigate and prosecute violations
    of HLP rights and, where Governments are now unable or unwilling to fulfil these obligations, to activate international judicial mechanisms to ensure justice.
    At present the Barbadian Government is being sued by HARLIQUIN international based attorneys for some £40 million pounds, regarding such rights. Some of those “investers” are Bajan/ English. Internatonal people, with human rights, and yes the Bajan government will be assisted by these enforcement agencies.
    You seem to forget the English Queen, is head of state, with the powers to keeps her patrons safe and civilised.

  24. International litigator, Human Rights. Avatar
    International litigator, Human Rights.

    I see at least one of our clients sees the future.
    Take a good look at what we achive.

    A US court has ordered the country’s second largest cigarette company to pay $23.6 billion (£13.8bn) to the wife of a smoker who died of lung cancer.

    RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company was hit with the punitive fine in addition to $16.8m (£9.8m) in compensatory damages.

    Cynthia Robinson took action against the firm in 2008, seeking compensation for her husband’s death in 1996.

    A company official said the verdict was “grossly excessive and impermissible under state and constitutional law.”

    During the four-week trial, lawyers for Ms Robinson argued that RJ Reynolds was negligent in informing consumers of the dangers of consuming tobacco.

    This negligence, the lawyers said, led to her husband Michael Johnson Sr contracting lung cancer from smoking after becoming “addicted” and failing multiple attempts to quit.

    Whith 20 or so grouped clients, we have a stronger case.

  25. Due Diligence Avatar


    Am curious about where you got the info on the CIA take down.

    Do not see anything in Google Search of Caribbean Capital Reserve Bank CIA

    Do not see anything in CIA website about CCRB

    When I try to go to I get this message.

    This page is used to test the proper operation of the Apache HTTP server after it has been installed. If you can read this page it means that the Apache HTTP server installed at this site is working properly.
    If you are a member of the general public:
    The fact that you are seeing this page indicates that the website you just visited is either experiencing problems or is undergoing routine maintenance.
    If you would like to let the administrators of this website know that you’ve seen this page instead of the page you expected, you should send them e-mail. In general, mail sent to the name “webmaster” and directed to the website’s domain should reach the appropriate person.
    For example, if you experienced problems while visiting, you should send e-mail to “”.

  26. @DD

    The screenshot above appeared when the url was accessed. If it is gone it means the matter is fluid.

  27. Due Diligence Avatar

    Thanks Dsvid

    We will have to keep an eye out for details.

  28. Due Diligence Avatar


    In thinking about this, it is hard to understand why the (US) Central Intelligence Agency would be involved in an investigation of some two-bit scam such as Caribbean Capital Reserve Bank Limited, a company incorporated or registered in Mwali, one of the three islands which composes the Nation of Comoros. located in the Indian Ocean off the African Coast. From the ineptitude demonstrated by those behind the CCR scam, they certainly do not appear tomb capable of being threat to the USA

    According to the Business Register, Government Mwali at:, CCRBL has been suspended by Mwali.

    DD wonders if the CIA notice that appeared at the CCR url is itself some weird scam.

  29. @DD

    Anything is possible. Curious what would be the motive of the web admin to post the CIA page.

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