Submitted by Pachamama
Serapis Christus was merely a creation of Roman Emperor Constantine
Serapis Christus was merely a creation of Roman Emperor Constantine

Our planet home is no more than one great Disney Land. A Land of Make Believe. A land where there are no hard distinctions between what is unreal and what is real. Between what is false and what is true. What is just and what is unjust. So reality, as judged by human perceptions about the beginning or the end, or anything in between, finds the real truths about our existence forever unbelievable. This absence of truths has led to the lack of freedoms and there can be no means to stymie this rot in this epoch.’

The childhood device to understand reality through the creation of make belief is no less applicable to religion, all religions. Whether it is Christianity, Islam, Hinduism or Judaism the elevation of make believe represents a potent weapon of ownership and control of the most valuable real estate on earth – the human mind. Constructed on a specious philosophical foundation, popular make belief has most of the world wedded to the fiction of a heaven and a hell, immaculate conception and reincarnation – sorcery. The total, provable and massive ‘imprecisions’ of religious doctrines. They hide the unbelievable truth that the fictitious character of Serapis Christus was merely a creation of Roman Emperor Constantine, 325AD, at the First Council of Nicaea. In reality, there is not a single thread of evidence he ever existed but whole cultures are based on this monstrous fable. More fundamental broadsides can be easily sustained in relation to Judaism, Islam and Hinduism but all four were built on the plagiarization of The African Story. A story that was merely allegory in the first place, not truth, not reality.

In the absence of evidence, ‘faith’ comes to the plate as a potent weapon in the quiver of this pernicious World of Make Belief. Humans are further asked to believe, not know, that a man (Prophet Mohammad) who could not read or write was able to produce an opus. That such a people, who for 1000 years before the Europeans had enslaved African and Slavic peoples, were to be some instrument for some god head somewhere in heaven. What a fiction! That a Bible which is replete with unprovable claims, from Genesis to Revelation, is the inspired word of some god somewhere in the sky. The broad-based nature of these quests for power and domination sees the Hindus still sustaining a racist cast system more repugnant that Apartheid as it continues to suppress hundred of millions of the original African peoples of Asia in this life and beyond. And we pretend that this is not happening, in this land of make belief. That Mahatma Ghandi, as a Hindu nationalist, forerunner to the current religiously, fanatical, fascist Bharatiya Janaa Party (BJP), is to be some iconic person worthy of lionization when the truth is that Gandhi himself was a staunch supporter of the oppression of the Dalits – The Untouchables. Oh, what a tangle web we weave, when once to practice to deceive!

But the construction of Alice in Wonderland maybe deeply rooted in religion but they also extend to all other spheres of human existence. These may include economy, politics, social, technological, environmental and legal spheres. In economy, the land of make believe renders leaders unable to respond to changing circumstances. Like children they continue to play with their toys in the hope of understand the existential realities of our existence. But regardless of the duration of this depression the misplaced hopefulness of elites is unable to deliver answers for the peoples of the world. It is this over reliance on magical thinking which sustains the World of Make Believe and excludes any discussion about other possibilities. Truisms based on provable facts, not ‘classical’ lies that have been told us for millenia. But its alright if Nirvana escapes us this time. Our World of Make Believe teaches us that we must persevere, we must suffer for His name, we must accept that deliverance will come if we make this Land of Make Believe more believable and the truth more and more Unbelievable.

185 responses to “The Land of Make Believe”

  1. Le Mule you are as stupid as your name! Poor you! You are so proud to have a black man carry Jesus’ cross that the Black man has been the beast of burden from then on. Now you come talking shite bout white people singing some song you are enjoying. Man YOU ARE STUPID STUPID STUPID!

  2. there are many physchological interactions which would be expressed and recollected can be more painful than going through the process of death there are sole reminders of things which we should have had done..and things which we should not have done..a wish of doing over..but withnothing else left and a window opportunity closing rapidly the onlychoiceleft which is right and proper in an almost sanitize enviroment is ask forgiveness

  3. Island:
    It should tell you that I appreciate every one and I am not determined by what others have done, unlike you, but by those portals of wisdom unknown to you because of your bestial nature!! If that is being stupid, stupid stupid, then that I am!!

  4. as humans we should be more concern about how we lived and conduct our lives in the present,,the afterlife is meaningless and is a metaphoric( nonexistence) which is another one of religion calculated provocative directive to implant fear in the hearts of man. keeping man subjected to faith in a belief of those things which cannot be proven or understood,

  5. I’ve been studying comparative religion for over 20 years and my research has informed my opinions about the bible and similar works and it is refreshing to see for a change some sense on this blog, as regards Christianity.
    I particularly endorse Atwill’s rejection of religious dogma being cited as a truth and used as Government propaganda. We see laws about homosexuality in the West and Muslim laws about women as prime examples of this where sexuality is defined by dogma.
    I’m prepared to consider the idea of Flavian authorship of the Gospels but the programme made several wild statements, eg about the Druids and their actual existence; we have little documentation or contemporaneous evidence about them apart from Roman commentaries – obviously biased. Ronald Hutton is a good source on this.
    One is always pulled up short by wild statements, it makes one doubt the validity of the whole.
    One thing the programme did not address is the fact that the Gospels always depict Jesus as a person who supported the poor, needy and disabled and the marginalised, such as prostitutes. These ideas and the concept of forgiveness do not tally with the ideals of the day where need, poverty or physical disability were generally seen as frowned upon by the gods and to be shunned at all costs. Disability was seen as a distinct disadvantage, as a curse, some kind of punishment in the scheme of things. Understandable in the context of propagation of the species yet why was homosexuality acceptable? As a form of population control? Food for thought there.
    Disabled people did have key roles such as the blind Tiresias whose blindness is an allegory for the opposite of what you see is what you get and various cripples who pronounce doom but their role is only to spur the able to think more deeply about things, it doesn’t reflect a kindness towards them, whereas the Gospels urge us to have pity and support the less fortunate not just out of human decency but to save our own souls and help us to get into heaven. This WAS a new idea. Where did it come from? If it came from Josephus and the Flavian “writing team” I’d welcome an explanation from perhaps Hebrew scholars. We only heard about the parallels, let’s hear some contemporaneous Hebrew philosophy on that subject.
    It’s interesting to note that the flourishing cult of Mithras was the main rival to Christianity then, widely practised in the vast Roman army. It did not succeed because women were excluded.
    That’s the other thing about early Christianity. For the first time since earlier matriarchal religions, the poor, slaves and women were regarded as equal and indeed, many a Roman widow sought refuge in the Jesus cult. Prior to that, you were either blessed by the gods or not blessed by them and in order to shrug off the unblessed burden you had to do tons of amazing things to win their favour and be blessed again. Otherwise you were screwed!
    Flavians or no Flavians, the cult of Jesus offered equality and that WAS a new idea. And one that informs the basic tenet of our legislation today. An ideal that sets Christian nations apart from others.
    As for the parallels between the old and new testaments, any student of comparative religion knows that Jesus was a vegetation god closely linked to Tammuz of ancient Babylon. Eat me and live again etc. John Barleycorn will rise.
    All the constructs humans have created to form organised religions derive from the respect for Nature and instead of acting out perverted constructs like death to all non believers, Untouchables etc we might be better off considering Nature, the basic things which enable us to survive on this planet of ours, taking care of our world and each other. It’s no use rushing back to The Book and it’s self-seeking propagandists to find guidance. This results in horrible things like genital mutilation and genocide being sanctioned.
    Today none of us lucky enough to have access to education need to follow a creed blindly, have the right and ability to make up our own minds and share understanding. Today’s religions generally have at their core elements of respect for our world and each other. Given a choice, look to those basic elements and ignore the cant. To those who don’t have a choice, like the women of Afghanistan or those restricted by custom or disabling governments we must show our support. How far that goes is an issue only the individual can decide.

  6. Victor

    I don’t care if you studied comparative religion for donkey years because the fact of the matter is you live in the West. And in the West, the entire system of morality is predicated on the Hebrew Scriptures.

  7. except that there is a huge gap which separates the hebrew and western laws of morality,,one of tolerance,,,,,,as the (lack of) is most often exhibited and demonstrated by those of christain faith

  8. Do you know about Chango, how he died and was reborn? In Africa on a tree.

    Study the concept of apostasy in Judaism and Christianity today and tell me which is less tolerant .
    Do Christians have to avoid sex when menstruating? When doing so are Christian women allowed to bathe freely? Are Christian women allowed to show their hair or do they have to wear veils, hats or wigs in public? Is there meat or shellfish Christians are not allowed to eat? Can a Christian eat something like lasagna combining meat and dairy, Is there such a concept as “kosher” in Christianity? Where truly kosher means you can’t eat or drink anything that’s been grown even in a distant view of a church for example. Kosher meaning the same as “haram” in Islam ie …look it up. Then talk to me about tolerance. One of my best friends is Jewish and her sister won’t speak to her because she had a bacon sandwich in the house!

    The system of morality in the West is NOT entirely based upon Hebrew scripture, particularly in England where a thriving culture of paganism (eg Stonehenge) and laws existed long before the Roman invasion or the putative birth of Jesus, informing the legal system of Britain, which went on to influence the rest of the world’s legal systems as they are today.
    Dompey you are so ignorant about the history of religions that you feel able to make sweeping statements about other people’s studies! Well carry on in your ignorance it shows up how ill-educated you are. Why don’t you google at least, before you start blabbing I don’t imagine you have ever been in a library have you?

  9. fyi .u all but confirmed that there are high levels of intolerance by giving the examples for the jewish and muslim faith ..neither did u deny that the christian faith is not guilty ,the fact is that religious dogma breeds intolerance whether be it of the christain ,,jewish or muslim faith,,,,it breeds and inhibits.. stagnates and retards the development of equality among its followers,

  10. Ignorance in general also breeds intolerance.

  11. Dompey;
    This blogger Victor now come on this post and even he knows that something is wrong with your mental health!!

  12. @Lemuel

    Correction, Victor has been posting on BU for many years although not frequently.

  13. David:
    I was referring to the present post we are on!!

  14. however that ignorance is formed out of a rigid acceptance of one beliefs and an unacceptance of other ideas or philosophy ..and a morbid disrespect for change .

  15. AC I have to agree with your above post! Well said girl friend!

  16. The very definition of belief means there is a codified approach to what an individual or group does. Tolerance means we accept others have the right to believe what they want BUT it does not mean they have to believe what you want them to believe.

  17. David:
    Good point!!

  18. in order for one to accept or tolerate must first pass the test. for what is right fair and just….based on a principal that all humans are inheritantly and justifiably given such rights

  19. @ Victor
    We wish to endorse your lucid comments. They represent a diamond in the rough. Pun intended!

  20. Victor: all nicely put, cogent and interesting. A real contribution.

    Dompey: you often make me smile but you’re wrong to suggest that western civilization is based on Hebrew scripture. All civilization is based on an inherent sense among humans, tested by the evolutionary experience, that your prospects of survival in a community are better if you don’t act like a dick.

    Kosher is mostly a matter of basic and sensible food hygiene among Bronze Age desert nomads eons before refrigeration.

    Leviticus is a real grin.

    People believe in all kinds of shite, a lot of it harmless. I won’t walk under ladders, for example, and if I spill salt I will always throw some of it over my left shoulder. Some people take their superstitions to the level of a code for life. No harm in that, as long as the code is harmless. It’s only when your superstition becomes obviously harmful to others that the superstition has to take a beating.

    And if some superstions are taken too far (say, beheading your way across the Levant in pursuit of a seventh-century caliphate), then the grown-ups will have to drop a lot of incendiary ordnance on you.

  21. given the tone of your context..should one belived that superstition and religious dogma is one of the same face..or different faces irreversible on the same coin

  22. Victor, I often tell people that without a concept of God, how would we determine RIGHT from WRONG. Question: without a concept of God, how would Hitler have known that his conduct towards the Jewish people were immoral ? And without a Divine standard upon which stand; Hitler’s inhumane treatment of the Jewish people would have been viewed as morally acceptable in his own eyes and the eyes of the German people. Remember now, every thing Hitler did in Germany was right in his own mind. Perhaps, Hitler was a very sick man, who knows?

  23. Victor, it think is was Emanuel Kant who said that, “The moral law lives within each and everyone of us”. And without the divine law which is coded in the civil law to guide our conduct, we have been living in moral anarchy.

  24. dompey given the theory and examples on which u based your argument in regards to a persons morality and how there morals are formed and influenced.u have skipped over and ignored many biblical facts that are contradiction to your theory.what is factual are the many accounts of slavery..genocide. and which. were permitted and condone based on bilical teachings..all in the name of god..enforced and inacted on moral grounds.

  25. why is my comment not being posted ,,it is not offensive

  26. i have tried several times to post a video and word press error //duplicate comment but where is the video

  27. where do we get our beliefs

  28. the video tells a shocking but not surprising story of televangelist of benny Hinn..the miracle worker,,,,,,…. ..

  29. @Pachamama “Our planet home is no more than one great Disney Land. A Land of Make Believe. A land where there are no hard distinctions between what is unreal and what is real.”

    @Shakespeare. As you like it, Act 2, scene 7
    All the world’s a stage,
    And all the men and women merely players.
    They have their exits and their entrances,
    And one man in his time plays many parts,

  30. AC

    Why do continue to blame God for the immoral acts committed by those persons who were the overseers

  31. AC
    It is wrong to use examples of immoral acts committed by the followers of God’s laws to undermine God’s Divine Morality.

    Why do insist on blame God for the immoral acts committed by those persons who were the followers of His ordinances, testaments, laws and statutes? Yes, I do agree that God did executed His judgment on those who disobeyed His laws, but no way in the Bible did read that God instructed any of His followers to do anything that conflicted with His commandments. Remember now, the entire Bible is predicated on man’s free will; the same free will David, Adam as well as Eve utilized when they contravened God’s laws etc. I hope I am making myself clear here AC? And finally, please do not blame the Bible but the interpreters of the Bible you ought and must attribte the blame.

  32. dompey i am lost as to where u arrived at the conclusion that i blame the bible for anything…… a matter of fact ,,my qualms are with those who interpret the book and used it to suppress and be judgmental….

  33. AC, so you do agree that the Bible is a book, if interpreted correctly can reach its desire objective?

  34. look as far as i am concern the book needs no intrepretation. it is another record of history of the times .lives and places of an ancient people who did the best whattever and however they preception of life seen to be. living in a distant world with no concept of being able to interact in the same way as modern man does it a book to be worshipped or idolize i think not..

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