Hal Austin
Hal Austin

Barbadians are now getting some external scrutiny of the economic mess the nation is in and shining a torch in those cobwebbed corners is not a happy site. According to the recent IMF report, government has finally committed itself to a number of key proposals, but these still remain opaque and unarticulated, even if they had to be dragged kicking and screaming to admit there are in a deep economic hole. However they may manoeuvre, it is clear the offer of redundancies and a few cutbacks in spending are not the answers the economy needs at this time nor, indeed, do the growing army of un(and under)employ young people want.

The report itself admits this in its introduction, pointing that in December 2011 a previous IMF delegation had stressed that the widening fiscal deficit and debt were the key areas of concern and proposed a “credible fiscal consolidation plan” to resolve the issue. But, the DLP government asked for a postponement because of the general election, which, as we know, the DLP won. So, it is clear, that political chicanery won the day and the DLP deliberately misled the Barbadian electorate during the February 2013 campaign, especially its promise that there would not be any redundancies.

The reports also makes it clear that there is no available full information on financial performance of public enterprises, not only revealing the opacity of government, but, I suggest, not only hiding one of the key sources of heavy leaking of taxpayers’ money, but of gross managerial incompetence. The real problem with the Barbados economy, however, is structural, and deeply so: a public sector which is lacking in up-to-date technology, a working force that believes that taxpayers have a duty to keep them in jobs, a political culture that mistakes the ruling political party as the state, and a portfolio of small businesses and land that the state should not own but should dispose, if only to rebalance its finances. The only real reason for this ever-expanding portfolio of state-owned assets is the control it gives politicians, in terms of jobs for their supporters and a sense of personal social status.

With the ‘great’ IMF now delivering its sermon from on high, a bit Washington Consensus light, all froth but not substance, the DLP Government has still not made clear what its strategy for recovery is. As I write, the nation is yet to know how many people will be made redundant from the public sector, although the IMF states 13 per cent. Given the absence of accuracy numbers, it is very difficult to enter any serious debate or carryout a legitimate analysis of government policy. So, let us assume that there are about 30000 people on the public sector pay roll, 13 per cent of those will about 3900; so far government has said it will be sending home 3000 workers by the end of March. But this is not the end of the matter, since that will impact in a number of ways. Government tax take will diminish, however slightly, a matter that has so far not been raised, not even in parliament; most, if not all of these people will at some point be eligible for state benefits and there will be a drop in national insurance contributions. Consumer spending will also be down, leading to pressure on some parts of the private sector, which may lead to redundancies or at least wage cuts.

As the report states: “Central government gross debt has risen sharply since 2009. The debt-to-GDP ratio has climbed from under 60 per cent in 2009 to 94 per cent at end-September; including government securities held by the national insurance scheme (NIS), it rose from about 80 per cent to 128 per cent. “The gross financing requirement in 2013/14 is 15.4 per cent of GDP including the rollover of short-term debt. The deficit has been financed increasingly with short-term funds from domestic sources. “In the first six months of 2013/14, domestic financial institutions and the central bank provided the bulk of the financing in the form of T-bills, while the NIS provided about 11 per cent in the form (of) longer term debentures. “NIS holdings of government paper are estimated at about 67 per cent of its portfolio, above the guideline recommended in the 13th actuarial review to limit holdings in government securities to no more than 57 per cent.” It warns: “Going forward, the capacity of the NIS to absorb new government debt will be limited by balance sheet constraints as the operating surplus has declined to near balance.” The report does not make clear that the main reason why government has to depend on domestic credit is because with its record borrowing in the international markets will be prohibitive.

For the last five years the main developed markets – the US, Japan and UK – have had central bank interest rates of below one per cent. Had the Barbados economy not been in such trouble, it would have been relatively easy borrowing in the international markets at under six per cent, rather than a domestic market that is charging up to 15 per cent. Further, the report’s condemnation of the mis-use of NIS funds does not take in to consideration the contradiction of conventional investment strategies, especial for a fund with long-term liabilities.
We know very little about how the NIS is run, whether it uses passive or active managers, its asset allocation policies, who undertakes its research, the diversification of its portfolio, all this is kept carefully hidden from public view. Even investing 57 per cent of the NIS fund in government gilts, as the IMF reveals, is a bad strategy since market efficiency should dictate that the fund’s investment universe should be global, and it should have a proportionate percentage invested in accumulation (equities, to grow the fund), fixed income (gilts and corporate bonds to meet near-time liabilities), property, small amounts in cash and a similar amount in high-risk alternative investments. I suspect a lot of the lending is to do with political pressure and ignorance on the part of senior executives and the board of the NIS, a number of whom have no real professional experience in fund management although some may have academic familiarity with the process.

The report continues, and I quote because there have been points raised by myself and a number of other observant people on numerous occasions which are very similar. In paragraph 7, under the sub-headline: Monetary policy has not been consistent with the fixed exchange rate framework, the report continues: “A new interest rate policy was instituted in 2013 that made the three-month Treasury Bill rate the benchmark rate and directed the central bank to intervene in the auction market. “Under this policy, the CBB (central bank) absorbed about 44 per cent of T-bills issued in the first 11 months of 2013 and short term interest rates fell by about 50 basis points. Credit to the private, which had been contracting since 2011, nonetheless continued to fall.” Again, it is basic macroeconomics: the refusal of the foreign-owned banks to lend to small and medium enterprises, the key driver of the economy, was the main obstacle to financial intermediation. The central bank could have used its purchasing power of government gilts not to buy freshly minted short-term bonds, but to buy gilts off the banks on condition that the additional liquidity would have been used to lend to small and medium enterprises. Further, government, either through ignorance or stubbornness, has in fact refused to substitute that lack of bank funding with shadow banking or a strategically planned quantitative easing (on par with Obama’s funding of the Detroit car industry, which is now back on its feet) – the cheapest and most effective way of which was the creation of a post office bank (with a 17-strong established distribution network) or by introducing legislation to create a trade union/credit union/cooperative retail bank. So, there is a vacuum where an effective, well capitalised, well supervised and regulated banking system and monetary policy ought to be.

The other failing is that the government, like previous governments before it, has depended too much on the national insurance scheme as a piggy bank, which it can dip in to as it likes, and a mountain of commercial credit to pay for their programmes. This credit-based growth, as Lord (Adair) Turner, the former chairman of the UK’s Financial Services Authority and one of the most authoritative public intellectual economists in Britain, has led to rising leverage and debt overhang, a natural outcome of this credit-intensive growth. It is a policy based on a total disregard of the investment strategies and actuarial assumptions behind a hybrid contributory and pay-as-you-go pension scheme and ignores completely the scheme’s future liabilities. Part of the inept management of public accounts is reflected in the increase in the growing current account deficit, which the report could have said more about. Explained in simple terms, if the government gets Bds$100 in revenue during the tax year, but its expenditure is Bds$101, it is living beyond its means. This principle applies to households as it does to governments. The basic principle is for government to forensically audit its outgoings and cut back where necessary. This is true in principle, even if a government differs from a household in that it also invests for future generations. But that a government, fully aware of the global economic crisis, can still continue to spend taxpayers’ money as if it was going out of fashion borders on the fraudulent.

The other mantra which has captured the thought processes of most Barbadians is the redundant one of accumulating foreign reserves, presumably in preparation for an external shock of some kind. It is an obsession that has no basis in modern macroeconomics, the mantra of an evangelising old guard tat is convinced that financial economics has not moved on since the 1960s and 70s. This obsession with foreign reserves only serves to obscure the real shortcomings of the central bank’s reluctance to enter the futures and derivatives markets and its overall bad management of the nation’s finances. By entering the futures and derivatives markets the central bank will free-up much needed cash that can be invested in other more urgent and pressing assets. (Without overburdening this analysis, see: Joshua Aizenman, et al : “International Reserves and Swap Lines: Substitute s or Complements”, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 15804). Continuing to stockpile foreign reserves, in the vain expectation of some severe externality, is voodoo. By definition, we do not know what the external shock would be, but the last real shock the Barbados economy faced was on September 22, 1955, Hurricane Janet, and two years later the nation had entered a contract with the construction engineers Costain to embark on the biggest capital project in its history. Huge reserves will not be of any real use if the external shock is a new strain of bird flu from China, or some terrorist attack on Grantley Adams International Airport. The foreign reserves mantra is preached mainly by worn out economists who did their studying in the 1960s and early 70s and have not really freshened up their knowledge of macroeconomic theory since graduation. Some of them probably even continue to teach from their old undergraduate notes.

Global Economy:
But the world in 2014 is a different place to that in 2007/8. We have already seen China’s economy, for most of the last 14 years the most dynamic in the world, has recently returned growth figures of 7.7 per cent, most impressive for the majority of developed economies, but a wake-up call to what was the fastest-growing and largest emerging market in the world. As Jay Bryson of Wells Fargo has pointed out, at the end of 2012, developing nations accounted for 49.6 per cent of global GDP, and although 2013 figures have not yet been confirmed, it looks as if this figure will rise to over 50 per cent. This growth confirms what Pascal Lamy, the former director-general of the WTO called the Geneva Consensus, the increasingly central role that developing nations now play in global trade. These developments, the new normal, play on the blind side of the people who manage the Barbados economy and are responsible for monetary and fiscal policy. None of this figures in their analyses or debates on economic policy, what little discussion they have narrow-focuses on foreign reserves. It is like asking someone on the eve of the discovery of the internal combustion engine what mode of transport would he prefer, knowing full well most people would ask for a faster breed of horse. There is a paradigm shift, and has been with a vengeance since the early 1990s, in the way we manage national accounts and currencies, and the stockpiling and warehousing of foreign reserves is not it; even at a household level we no longer stash our money in a savings account, we invest, make it work for us. It has gone further than this. In the old days of the 1980s, when we talked about a developing economy we often meant one based on the development economic theories of Sir Arthur Lewis, Gerard M. Meier, Joseph Stiglitz and others. Modern developing economies are increasingly consumption driven, rather than just producing the raw material for a commodity-hungry developed world. We now live in a global economy in which 35 per cent of exports from developed countries now go to developing economies, up from 20 per cent in 2000, and that trajectory is going further north and faster. But a lot of this growth is based on debt, about US$8trn, an increase from US$5.7trn in 1997, as Lord Turner has pointed out. The world has changed and policymakers and academics who fail to keep up will be left behind.

The DLP government is learning the hard way that we now live in a globalised world and governments and their advisers can no longer operate in an opaque and deceptive way. Further, all economies, no matter how small, are now globally inter-connected, and a high wind one part of the world can lead to crashing waves the other side. It is relevant therefore to remember how the Asian crisis of the late 1990s occurred. All the key nations were linked to the dollar, all had huge current account deficits and falling foreign reserves. This cocktail of macroeconomic imbalances came tumbling down like a deck of cards once the Thai government decided to devalue the baht in July 1997. The Stuart government has not yet learned this simple fact of global economics and is still operating as if it is the repository of all wisdom when it comes to the financial economic government of the nation. Even though the IMF report should act as a wake-up call, it does not deal with the offloading of non-core assets, such as the state-owned Transport Board, a portfolio of under-performing hotels, a massive land bank, massive shares in LIAT, post offices, the inability to auction a television licence, an inability to collect VAT and national insurance. The decision to establish a revenue authority is not the same thing as collecting outstanding revenue. This is made worse when one considers that VAT is a tax paid at the point of business with the private sector acting as collectors for the state. All civil servants have to do is to collect the money, failing which the guilty party will be prosecuted and barred from running a business. It is organisational competence, not creating a new organisation, that is the real solution.

Equally, the lack of up-to-date and accurate information on the financial performance of public sector enterprises, including statutory bodies, is not a coincidence, but a deliberate attempt to mislead the IMF and the general public.
Any competent organisation would have produced annual reports, giving details of the business, future plans and its profits and losses, if only for internal use. The report’s authors also make a mistake of assuming that the financial sector is well capitalised, but has produced no evidence for this, apart presumably from central bank assurance.

But there is another way of looking at the banking sector (since there is no substantial shadow banking or non-banking sectors, apart from insurance), and that is to assume that the regulatory and supervisory systems are weak and that the banks manipulate a local light-touch regulatory regime lacking in expertise. How does the central bank carry out its stress tests? By examining capital adequacy and depending on the inadequate Basel III requirements? It is common knowledge that banks have one of the most flawed business model in modern capitalism, with some major international banks at the dawn of the global crisis having an asset to liability ratio of six per cent. Even local businesses have a minimum average ratio of 30:70. If any small business person had such a ridiculous asset to liability ratio and went to a bank to borrow money s/he would be chased out of the building. Banks are allowed to get away with this because of the discrepancies in their accounting practices. Banks do not have to explain in their annual reporting their liabilities in a way that any other ordinary business will have to. In this way they avoid runs, the main concern of governments, especially if the central bank is lender of last resort and will have to rescue troubled institutions.

But this is not the case in Barbados. It is almost certain that banks do not explain to supervisors or regulators their lending assumptions, therefore their capital adequacy is not properly explained; and, even if they were, they will tell the central bank that their foreign parent banks will cover any short falls. And they will get away with it, be they subsidiaries or branches because the banking regulatory and supervisory systems operate by deference.  The report’s authors have at times taken the self-confirming myths of central bank and civil service staff too much to heart, such as that Barbados is highly competitive. Although this is qualified, by pointing out that that is when compared with other Caribbean nations, it is really still disingenuous.

Its claim that ‘domestic’ banks appear to be well capitalised, lacks a clear definition since domestic is a mute point, given it also makes clear that the foreign-owned banks – with the parent companies of three are domiciled in Canada, two in Trinidad and Tobago and one in the US, with the assets of the Canadian-owned banks accounting for 75 per cent of total banking assets. This raises further serious regulatory issues since it is not clear who regulates local banks and, if the central bank, as is the legal position, who the real regulator is. To be competitive, an island 166 square miles and in which most official business is concentrated in the space between the City, Bay Street, Whitepark and Warrens, it should not take longer than five working days for an entrepreneur to register a new business. Where there is a cash purchase for a property, the entire process should not take longer than two working days for the sale and purchase of that property. Of course, all this is not the civil servants’ fault, although they are responsible for a large part of it. The bulk of it is caused by lazy, and in many cases, dishonest lawyers who tend to operate like a Mafia.

Good government would break up this professional monopoly by separating out advocates, those with permission to appear before the high courts and the Caribbean Court of Justice, and legal consultants, those permitted to give advice in their chambers but not to appear in court. Government should also introduce licences for conveyancing, labour law specialists, health law specialists and others, people who on qualifying would have the right to appear in the high courts representing clients on those specific subjects. Of course the lawyers and their supporters will scream, but this is one way of introducing a new professional competitiveness in the economy. We also need transparency in governance, with politicians and senior civil servants who appear to be living above their official incomes explaining the source of their wealth or having it seized and face criminal prosecution for abuse of public office. In real terms, Barbados has had nearly five decades of under-performance, years of lost productivity, which are now creeping up on us like disease in old age. We know our knees are not what they used to be, but we hardly remember when as teenagers we were kicking hard breadfruits around the playing field. Those days off from work, and when at work talking more than working, taking the children to school and then arriving at work just before lunchtime, not answering the telephone and leaving work early, all these and more will eventually come back to haunt us – and they have. One black hole that is not talked about by unions, policymakers or politicians is the massive cost to the taxpayer of absenteeism, but again the IMF appeared to have overlooked this. It would be worth while if the government commissioned a report on this from the university.

As Dilaka Lathapipat and Thitima Chucherd, writing about the Thai economy reminded us of developing economies: “In addition to building up a highly-educated and well-trained workforce, having a well-functioning labour market is crucial for a country to enhance its economic efficiency and competitiveness.” The authors also remind us of the definition of labour market efficiency: flexibility, controls on wage fluctuations, easy re-allocation of workers. We only have to look at the public sector trade unions, like the 10 per cent pay claim put in by the National Union of Public Workers, just months before a massive redundancy programme.

Of course,, most of these approaches are outside the IMF remit and are rightly the concerns of the ruling party, but it is basic macroeconomics that unless there is an improvement in productivity there will be very little or no growth.
It is also important to note that poor productivity in Barbados, in particular the public sector, is not just cyclical; it is rooted in deep structural flaws and in a post-independence culture that the state will provide. Making a few people redundant without fixing the fundamental problem is just pushing the can down the road. The machine of state is grinding to a halt because it is out of oil and it needs fixing.

In the final analysis we urgently need a new national mind-set, which places things such as fashion, cruises, whisky, four-by-four petrol guzzlers, foreign holidays, home improvements, and other materialistic trivia come second to securing one’s financial future.  We have to get real as a people and as a society.

  • Reading: Rene M. Stulz: “Should We Fear Derivatives”, NBER Working Paper 10574, 2004;
  • Neil Irwin, The Alchemists: Inside the Secret World of Central Bankers

172 responses to “Notes From a Native Son: The IMF has got Sinckler and Stuart Cornered with Nowhere to Run (Part 1)”

  1. This writer like to talk about ‘analysis’. What is really needed is a systems analysis. In the absence of a systemic approach the writer recoils to episodic rantings which are largely unhelpful.


    Nowhere to Run?Hal Austin… Plantation Deed have them long time , Glad you can finally catch up to the fraud on the people , But the IMF and Moodys, S&P know more than you love to write , But we glad to see you wrote , for we can always go back on BU and see what you dont want to write about , The Crooks , liars and Scumbags.
    We got them , Weather you think so or Not , We have the FACTS and the Proof ,
    We did not read what you wrote as yet , Just replying to the title,

  3. If you read thereport the IMF said this problems stem in mid 2000s Mid 2000s would put us back to 2005. Trying to win a 2nd election did not send home people in the first term did not send home the people Owen had given jobs too. Also in December 2007 Owen abolish casual workers and those workers became temporary workers. Also did you know Owen was apart of the Tom Adams government tha thad to go to the IMF with ina 5 year period twice? can a man who was in Jamaica seeing it privatising all of government liquid-able assets know how to get us out of the mess he started? I don’t think so.
    The truth that we do not want to accept is that there is a possible issue with the foreign exchange: with no bank or ICBL to sell and plug a hold, I dont think the Bees understand what to do.

    To end this MIA could had gain a lot of ground by amending the contribution to cut government salaries and letting the 3000 people continue to work, she ent care bout then either

  4. Even at this stage we are in deep doo doo we just don’t get it.

  5. @John Chapman

    “The Barbados Workers Union (BWU) has tabled a range of alternatives to the government in a bid to avert plans by the Freundel Stuart administration to retrench more than 3,000 public servants as it seeks to revive an ailing economy. Sir Roy Trotman, BWU General Secretary, who held talks with Finance Minister Chris Sinckler and officials from the Ministry of Finance and the Civil Service, has proposed among other measures, that all government employees volunteer for a pay cut.”

    “Sinckler described as “interesting” some of the proposals submitted by the unions to deal with the situation, adding others would have challenges (and that they would not take us where we want to go.

  6. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    The long and short of the matter is people, we did not get to this point in history because the DLP brought us here; we are at this point in our history because the politicians in their quest for riches and power did everything they needed to do too get rich at any cost even if it meant destroying their fragile economy at the expense of satisfying their greed,. The writing on the wall is clear concerning this administration and those in opposition -. they are all callous and Barbados should launch and investigation into their accumulated wealth dating back from he days of Barrow and Tom Adams. People, like that pop belly shire Duguid should not be allowed to abandon Barbados with all his thieving wealth., to live large in Canada, They should go after ‘No Good’ Noel Lynch as well who was able to accumulate millions in a short space of time and Michael Lashley and his JADA connections, where is drinking from the fountain of 5 -10 for every match box house he built she should be trembling in fear at the thought of who at Dodds will be the first to sample his rear end, I mention these few because it is obvious and well known what they were doing, This is what my backward country should be engaging and that is to pull down the strong circle of the political cartel that is corrupt and arrogant, But such action is a mere figment of the imagination..

  7. Thanks John. You have shed greater light on this economic mess, originated as you so clearly stated from Owen Arthur Administration. Obviously, some here have failed to realized that the past with its good and evil lives in the present.

  8. Victor R Callender Avatar
    Victor R Callender

    Hal, your article was brilliantly written. Sound the alarm, Barbados is heading down the path of Detroit, Michigan. Retirees will soon, lose some of their pensions, to help clean up this financial fiasco. The raid on pensions, is a very real possibility.

  9. Victor R Callender Avatar
    Victor R Callender

    @Hal In the final analysis we urgently need a new national mind-set, which places things such as fashion, cruises, whisky, four-by-four petrol guzzlers, foreign holidays, home improvements, and other materialistic trivia come second to securing one’s financial future. We have to get real as a people and as a society. My friend, if ever someone spoke truth to power, this is it. I am an expatriate sitting here at work, and i wish I could give you a hug. The truth needs no defence, and you have written the truth. Thank you so very much.

  10. Re: http://www.nationnews.com/articles/view/uwi-guild-predicts-roll-fall/

    This is a significant, unfortunate change, but it does not appear to be the disaster that some believe it to be. Possible solution: UWI and the student loan program work together to allow each Barbadian student access to a student loan to cover the fees; (b) the student pursues his/her program of studies, except, hopefully, more focused than before, with no or little excess time; and (c) the loan administrators enforce collections, so that the fund continues, to revolve, to assist future students.

  11. Where is the financial analysis in local media?

  12. Victor R Callender Avatar
    Victor R Callender

    A little bit of nostalgia here. Remember when politicians talked with each other, and not at each other? Remember when we all looked out for each other, and we truly personified the notion of it taking a village to raise a child. Look, Barbados is a gift from god, placed in its own eastern potpouri, surrounded by its own Kaleidascope of magnificence, we engender the richess and the sweet tapestry of our Africaness. Remember, when we could stand outside, and talk for hours with our neighbors. whatever happened to that? Remember when time was of little import, and sharing was always first, a plate of food on nights when mama didn’t have much was a shared experience, remember? And remember the sweet truth of my people, no matter where we were, no matter our stations in life, we could appeal to our collective generosities, whatever happened to that, remember? Oh my beloved Barbados I love you so, my brothers and sisters I share with you, a storied history of simple magnificence, the exquisite quaintness of your souls. I am expatriated from you now, and I miss you, the simplicity of what once was, rest in my heart. What is progress, if not to be enjoyed by all. The key to our collective success lays within our reach, can we be divided without facing our truth, our fears? Will we let what can be conquered, conquer us? Many may intimate that we are bucolic, so what? We are the most easterly of all caribbean islands for a reason, the wisdom,knowledge, understanding and truth of King Solomon’s day, can be found on the shores of our Island home. I’ve said all of this to say, that those of you who collaborate in your wise writings here, possess the brain thrust to help solve, Barbados’ problems. We just need to remember when we were all each others friend. I love you my bajan brothers and sisters, I always pray fro all of you and your families.

  13. @ David

    What financial analysis? In any event finance is only one aspect. We called for a systems analysis. It is therefore impossible to understand these problemS with numbers alone.

  14. @Pacha

    The conversation must begin, if it does at the financial core and the drivers that affect why quibble about the how?

  15. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Victor R Callender | February 15, 2014 at 8:45 AM |
    “Look, Barbados is a gift from god, placed in its own eastern potpouri, surrounded by its own Kaleidascope of magnificence…”

    VRC, that is just a load of jingoistic nostalgic bullshit. Why don’t you also “remember” when ‘Barbadoes’ was full of slaves?
    What about when there was ingrained apartheid in the social and economic structures in the island from the plantation to the Church and manifested in the brown (‘red-skin’, for people like you) vs. black dichotomy and even practised in the “tenantries” and black villages of deprivation?

    The Barbados of today is a much better place for black people.
    It’s a pity the “Paradox of Life” is about to pay it a visit.

    In the coming months many of the social and economic gains made in the last 50 years will be steadily rolled back to a life in time you seem to hanker over.
    Its also tragically funny the same political party excessively (and misleadingly) credited for creating the environment that led to blacks escaping the grinding poverty of your make-believe halcyon days would be condemned as the black pied piper that took them back to your ‘utopian’ village where they started led by a blind Latin-speaking clown in full colonial costume running after a black cat hiding in a ship of drowning rats called the SS DLP torpedoed by cruise missile marked “IMF”.

  16. Victor R Callender Avatar
    Victor R Callender

    @millertheanunnaki, Pitiful indeed, because you are so rapped up in your own miserable self pity, you wouldn’t understand the causation of your ignorance. It is people like you, magnificently myopic, who play the blame game to full effect. You have no hope, no vision for the promise that the future offers Barbados. Your attempt to lure me into an intellectual fight has worked, but remember this, I never come to a gun fight with an icepick. Seemingly, you were not the beneficiary of our nations fine educational system, for had you been, you would have a lot to be thankful for, even nostalgic about. Instead of tearing down, why don’t you come down off of your selfish, and ignominious rants and contribute something other than criticism. What have you built, intellectually or otherwise, what do you offer, besides fatalism. The reason that failure can even come into the lexicon of bajans, is because of people like you. You believe in very little, and your contributions here, are representative truly, of a person lacking vision.Every situation has a begining, and if colonialism and all of failures, happened to be Barbados’ so what. Your inept attempt at historical resitation proves nothing more than that we should all work together for the common good. It does not matter which government is at the helm of power in Barbados, you would still condemn, simply because condemnation is fashionable, and you my friend have no solutions. It was once said by a great thinker from the past “Condemnation without investigation, is the height of ignorance.” if you’re not willing to be the change that’s necessary, then just do what you’re doing, nothing. But just remember, “If you keep on doing, what you always did, you keep on getting, what you always got.” Peace.

  17. “…..in a ship of drowning rats called the SS DLP torpedoed by cruise missile marked “IMF”.

    …and exactly how is this IMF torpedo going to single out the DLP people from the BLP people? Don’t you think that if anything it will be the DLP people who will have access to the riot equipment that the AG does not know anything about?
    ….sometimes Bushie wonders about your level of maturity Miller….you mean you so much hate DLP people for winning the last elections that you are hoping for the IMF to torpedo us all….?

    Shiite man! THAT is hate!!!

  18. @Victor Callender and Bush Tea
    I thought I was the only one who noticed that MilerdeNukie is a nuisance. I think this forum is important and I do know that the political yardfowls will spin their thing on behalf of their respective parties. But I have more respect for some body like AC whose partisan position he or she does not hide, as opposed to MillerdeNukie who comes here pretending to be this unbiased commentator when in actual fact he is just another yardfowl hoping for gloom and doom to ensue for the sake of selfish, partisan political greed and benefit.

  19. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Bush Tea | February 15, 2014 at 10:33 AM |

    You were warned Bushie over and over again. The same way you pretend to clairvoyant with your special gift from BBE, other sons and daughters are similarly gifted but with the Truth of foresight.

    But aren’t you wishing the same thing on the same brass bowls?
    Isn’t your BBE scheduled to intervene and send brimstone and fire on the just and unjust Bajans? Who can be more nihilistic and fatalistic than you Bushman, with your BBE nonsense?

    You are a man that boasts to be a god of having the answer to all of mankind’s problems. When are you going to start up your PUP or BUP to save Bajans from the IMF cruise missile, motor mouth?

  20. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Victor R Callender | February 15, 2014 at 10:28 AM |

    Victor my dear, what do you think about a programme of privatization as recommended by the IMF?
    How about the decriminalization of marijuana?
    Shouldn’t you be turning the cultivation and processing of the plant into a forex saving and earning business to replace your dead sugar industry?
    Is that intellectual enough for you or do you think marijuana is evil?
    Isn’t that being positive and uplifting with a clear vision for a bright and proactive Barbados?

    You see Vicky, I did not attack you personally just offered and alternative view can be turned into practical outcomes for the benefit your country.
    Now you look on the bright side of the future instead of living in the ‘dark’ past!

  21. Victor R Callender Avatar
    Victor R Callender

    @millertheanunnaki, Man what is your problem? What has Bush tea or anyone done you on this blog? You’re allowed to have your opinion, and you want to limit ours. There must be some deep psychological hang up that is really fucking with you. Ok tell us did you dress up in girls clothes, sit in some bathroom reading national geographic and masturbating as you watched the Wildebeest? What’s your sick fatalistic obsession about. I bet that you’re the sort of “Girlieman” who gets all happy when other people fail. You need a life, stop obsessing @ zero dak thirty about this shit, Bush Tea is having fun, fool, and so are most of the participants to this sight. I think you were the kid that everyone picked on in school, the person who needed acceptance, and that manifest in your writings here. It will be alright, your psychological profile is understood by everybody, so we all know that you are a “Yardfowl” and that you wish for Barbados’ demise. But i wonder one thing, are you a Trinidadian, where will you go, if you can’t enjoy living in Barbados, and having as fucked up an opinion as you do?

  22. Victor R Callender Avatar
    Victor R Callender

    @millertheanunnaki, Poor fellow you just don’t get it. Let me do what I do best. You want to talk about economics, the Fiat economic presence Barbados finds itself in, started under Owen S Arthur. Please pull up a chair. The system was made worst when Mr. Arthur failed to read the economic indicators back then correctly. Mr. Arthur should have instituted economic austerity measures to stem the high balance of trade deificit, back then, but he failed to do that. “Gresham’s Theory” then entered into Barnados’ fiscal sytem millertheanunnaki, and because the current political administration similarly, failed to control interest rates and excessive borrowing, we are at the precipice of disaster, created long before Freundel Stuat was Prime Minister. Why can’t you see and understand these facts, people are looking to solutions, but you are obsessed with writing Barbados and bajan off. Man, come down off of your high horse, and lets figure something out.

  23. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @Victor R Callender | February 15, 2014 at 11:28 AM |

    Come out, things!
    There is only one omission from your attack. The mirror scene as you mentally rehearse the writing of your autobiography.

    We are now seeing the real Victor. Not a Victor brought up in Christian Barbados of yore as a well mannered and civil young man but a Victor from the social gutter. But what do we expect from those that drink from the cesspool in George Street.

    Yes Vicky your right about one thing. The miler is indeed a “Trickidadian”. One that loves Barbados so much he practically owns it, and the people too. Pity you have passed your ‘sell-by-date’.

  24. Look here, the DEMS try to keep jobs and not fallout with the People. We are not in deep do do yet but have the potential to get there because of low or zero economic growth. we have a good cover of foreign exchange but that is under treat because the US or UK economies have not recover.. Reducing the deficit must be done but the real deal is , BWU and NUPW put foward on behalf of it’s members a salery cuts. For MIA to refuse it is a sign that she really dont care how people hurt, just hurt then and let us win the election.hum will not work

  25. Come out things!!

    Hal…….regarding your concerns on the inability of journalists to do their jobs in Barbados, this is the best example you will ever get regarding why they can’t……..as you may have noticed regarding my comments on Consumers General Insurance (CGI) and it’s owners Bruce Bailey, Peter Harris and their many years of a no-pay-claims policy against injured Bajans, their years of despite denying bajan claims, still presenting those claims to Lloyds of London and receiving payments to enrich themselves and whomever is greedy enough to continue aiding and abetting them in this simple but lucrative and elaborate criminal venture, not to mention their ability to become extraordinarily wealthy from just one company based in Barbados while CGI’s claimants remain in pain, misery and penniless.

    That is the perfect example of the journalists in Barbados being totally kept in a strangle hold of silence and unable to report on this or any similar human interest story on the island. The politicians involved will effectively ruin the life of any journalist completely if they so much as try to right this wrong.

    In saying that, we very recently engaged an investigative journalist in the UK where the likes of Harris et al have no reach, even though Harris lived in the UK very briefly as a small child he is unable to weave any web of corruption in these particular circles in London. This journalist will do what he does best and what Bajan journalists are unable to do with the story to make sure it remains out there in the public domain for all to see and not hidden somewhere under a carpet in Parliament in Barbados, compliments of the politicians involved. This journalist has no connection to Barbados so there is no cover up to fear and he will certainly have a real life scoop. He may very well end up with some award in London when it’s over, but as long as these island criminals are exposed, we don’t care if he becomes a millionaire for doing his job.

    Not even if i tried could i have made up a better example of how journalists in Barbados are not allowed to practice true journalism devoid of political interference. As usual they have the politicians, lawyers and their many corrupt friends to thank.

    When it rains, it pours…….come out things.

  26. @ Well, well

    If what you say is true, I will certainly like to see the evidence. Plse contact me at hal.austin@ft.com

  27. @Well Well

    Before you repeat your accusation please share the evidence.


  28. I see a whole lot of braying jackasses on this thread,blissfully asleep in their ignorance that the stinking Democratic Labour Party did not bring Barbados to its lowest ever in its short history of self governance.Even the much abused plantocracy did a better job than these incompetent fools led by a man whose head is seen before you see his torso,aided and abetted by liars Sinckler,Quisling Boyce,Ince and the toy car expert,Worrell, who produces his own statistical data as he hides the real data from the overseers called the IMF.
    You braying apologists for the stupidity of the DLP,bray on,the IMF is behind you and they have a big rock to lick you down wid later this year!!

  29. @ Victor
    Your analysis of Miller the nooksie is frighteningly on the ball…
    Amazing! LOL

  30. In the big picture what matters is how are we going to improve FX inputs to pay for the import bill. The Barbados dollar is worthless. There is no market to exchange Barbados dollars for currencies needed to pay the import bill. The Central Bank been printing Barbados dollars and giving them to the Government who in turn been spending them, and then the people where it spent been spending those dollars on imported things like gasoline and cars that need to be paid for in FX. You don’t need a Harvard MBA degree to figure out why FX has taken such a big reduction. Our main FX generator, tourism, is in decline and as a destination for long term visitors, we are about 3 times more expensive than other places that are now taking our tourists from us such as Cuba, Costa Rica, Brazil and DR. If we don’t get competitive there will be a continued drain of FX reserves. Laying off 3000 people will help reduce FX outflows but without significantly increasing the inflows, 3000 wont cut it. The GDP per person that we have of about $16500 US is based upon a unsustainable value of our currency being pegged at 2 to 1 to the US$. With a $100 million fall in FX reserves in January the slide continues. There does not appear to be a plan to fix the slide so it almost a certainty that devaluation will be a necessity to make our tourism product more competitive. Almost half the work force is employed in tourism related employment so making it competitive is key. It is so far out of wack on a cost comparison basis there simply is not enough time to bring into line without some massive cost adjustments. We don’t have 3 or 4 years to fix it, we have 8 to 12 months to get it done.

  31. @SITH

    Actually what matters is how do we change the attitudes of our people who live in a small nation to be aligned to a system of sustainable productivity.

    In other words living within our means.

  32. David….there is now an investigation outside of Barbados regarding the issue, I was sharing information with Hal and you of course, but now it’s out of my hands, the less said at this point the better…….as a matter of fact I only said what is public knowledge on the island, any documentation will be passed on to investigators, I will be able to share that with you after the process and I will but I am not in charge of anything going forward.

  33. @David
    You are 100% correct because the world is going to change that for us if we don’t. I cant imagine how someone might want to begin local production of a product when the imported product that he or she may plan on competing against has received a 10 to 15% reduction because of the growth in the value of the US$. It seems to me that many competitive destinations recognized that having an independent monetary policy that was unpegged was a key to growth. We have developed a mentality that a fixed peg is a saviour and it maybe, but only if all the competitors are doing the same. That is where the rubber meets the road. We have been outmaneuvered.

  34. Hal……………I will contact you

  35. @SITH
    I continue to admire your analysis of the dollar issue.

  36. @ VS
    “You want to talk about economics, the Fiat economic presence Barbados finds itself in, started under Owen S Arthur. “

    I thought all along it was the global recession. Anyhow my one question: Was the situation made worse by the David Thompson and Freundel Stuart led DLP?


  37. @SITH

    We have to accept a reality i.e. we can’t have our cake and eat it too. We are said to have a per capita income of 16,000USD +. To reorder economic fundamentals cost of production must come down or we have to generate times more revenue which does not seem possible given our current trajectory. What is not being discussed is what price as a country we are prepared to pay for forex generating projects, are we prepared to produced at a premium?

  38. Hi David
    Please post a copy of the Estwick proposal which I am sure you have access to so the BU family can read it in its entirety

  39. @ SITH
    I find you postings on the 2-1 fixed exchange rate to be must reads. Have you given any though to the long term effect of the endless printing of money by the Federal Reserve Bank (U.S.A.) on the value of the Barbados dollar?

  40. @ Victor R Callender
    Are you stating that the government running large current account deficits for the last 4-5 years wasn’t a major contributing factor to the present economic difficulties?
    In my view, the major error P.M. Arthur and the other regional prime ministers made was allowing the WICB to railroad them into hosting World Cup 2007. The security cost for such events since 9/11, 2011 makes profitability almost impossible, and the construction cost and continued upkeep and maintenance of the stadiums built in the various countries for WC 2007 make them White Elephants rather than the revenue earners envisioned.

  41. @Bajan in NY

    What is legacy?

    Then the collaspe on Wall Street occurred.

    Who could have predicted it?

  42. @ David
    I never bought into the legacy talk. I knew that Montreal was until recently still paying off debts incurred to host the 1976 Olympic, I knew that Greece paid many time what it originally estimated the 2004 Olympic would cost, and I know that good accounting would show that such events generally struggle to break-even financially.
    My concern was always eventually recovering the cost of the New Kensington Oval given the way cricket tours are scheduled in recent years, and the inability of folks in the region to come up with creative ways of utilizing such facilities on a regular basis.

  43. @bajan in New York

    The US$ is the worlds reserve currency. I believe population growth there in the last year was somewhere around 2 million people and because, among other things , it is becoming a energy giant and moving towards self sufficiency I don’t see anything that is going to replace it. There has to be continued printing of money in the USA to support the GDP and population growth. The effect on the Barbados dollar is that it gets dragged along to the currently ever increasing value of the US$ but unfortunately there is no corresponding increase in GDP on the island. When Barbados gained independence from Britain the exchange rate for British sterling was perhaps twice what it is today so for Brits it is now twice as expensive to visit as it was back then. If you go back to the 50’s one British pound would get you $4.00. Now it gets you$1.50. One of the new source markets was said to be Brazil. In the last 2 years the Barbados currency has grown in value by about 40% over the Brazilian real. So for our competitors who do not peg to the US$, we are now 40% more expensive to visit than they are, We are increasing the cost of our main export, tourism , and reducing the cost of imports which in turn discourages local production because of the wealth generation in GDP growth in the USA. The long term effect of this continued trend can only be bad without a major new revenue source such as massive oil discoveries. I suspect very few people know of any economic advantage we get from pegging to the US$ rather than the pound sterling or a basket of currencies from our source markets. What if there is a 20% gain in the US$ against the Euro and sterling pound in the next 24 months? What will that do to us.? My belief is we have hit the glass ceiling on the exchange rate and our competitors have not. It is the tortoise and hare story. The competition have been slowly sneaking up on us.

  44. @Bajan in NY

    We were intoxicated by the times of plenty.

  45. @SITH

    In the world of FIAT what alternative currency or basket can guarantee flatline stability of currency rate?

  46. “If you go back to the 50′s one British pound would get you $4.00. Now it gets you $1.50.”

    US or Bds $1.50?

  47. @ Enuff
    It was Bds$4.80. Nixon changed all that.

  48. @ Sith
    The Greenback is indeed the major reserve currency, but this is unlikely to be so by 2020.
    Nations do decline and the US will remain the world’s leading economy, but its economic power will diminish.

  49. @Hal Austn

    so you agree it is time to get the Barbados dollar valued at some other currency? What would you recommend considering (cut and pasted) the economy of the United States is the world’s largest single national economy. The United States’ nominal GDP was estimated to be $17.1 trillion in December 2013,[1] approximately a quarter of nominal global GDP.[2] Its GDP at purchasing power parity is also the largest of any single country in the world, approximately a fifth of the global total

  50. @BUPPS

    Don’t have it.
    Obviously the leak to the Nation newspaper has been orchestrated. They (Nation Newspaper) have milked it to sell some newspapers. It is ironic when one considers the Nation continues to be vilified by the DLP.

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