Submitted by Terence Blackett

churchDeemed it indeed a duty to cover their altars with the blood of captives and to consult their deities through human entrails.” ~Tacitus

In the opening chapter of the book: “The Keys of this Blood” by former Jesuit, Dr Malachi Martin, under the heading “The Servant of the Grand Design”, on page 15, in the first few paragraphs are these ominous words:

“Willing or not, ready or not, we are all involved in an all-out, no holds barred, three-way global competition. Most of us are not competitors, however. We are the stakes. For the competition is about who will establish the first ‘One-World System of Government’ that has ever existed in the society of nations. It is about who will hold and wield the dual power of authority and control over each of us as individuals and over all of us together as a community; over the entire six billion people expected by demographers to inhabit the earth by early in the third millennium. The competition is all-out because, now it has started, there is no way that it can be reversed or called off. No holds are barred because, once the competition has been decided, the world and all that’s in it – our way of life as individuals and as citizens of the nations; our families and our jobs; our trade and commerce and money; our educational systems and our religions and our cultures; even the badges of our national identity, which most of us have always taken for granted – all will have have been powerfully and radically altered forever. No one can be exempted from its effects. No sector of our lives will remain untouched. The competition began and continues as a three-way affair because that is the number of rivals with sufficient resources to establish and maintain a New World Order.”

Dr Martin penned these sobering words 26 years ago. Since then, we have witnessed gyrations and tectonic shifts in the global politique of nations – where poLIEtics, eCONomics & reLIEgion, serve as the catalyst as to (how they control us); with powerful forces all jockeying in one way or another, for the supremacy of man’s allegiance and obeisance – through the diabolicus of mass programming and the war of subterfuge for souls, given the 7 billion people & counting on this planet.

The secret mystical knowledge of ages past – hid from average men; cloaked in “Dark Sentences” and embellished by the language of reLIEgion, occult theosophy & philosophy, science and esotericism – made its way through the annuals of human history, in a long, perpetual war against God, His saints and the TRUTH. This primordial knowledge would only bear fruit in the lives of those who were chosen to ply the levers of political rule and augment social subjugation – “dumbing-down the masses” to altered states of mindless consciousness, where they would in dull obedience give full allegiance to their master – Lucifer, aptly called SATAN, that Fallen Angel.

After this long march of history, today all the forces are in place! The pagan shrines, the ancient temples and even the sacrifices go on under our noses. In apostate Protestant AmeriKKKa, in its capital city, Washington DC, the Supreme Council on Freemasonry, a 33° Masonic temple (one of numerous temples to the pagan gods of antiquity) – houses a memorial museum & a shrine to its Grand-Commander, (33° Freemason Albert Pike), who was also the founder of the White supremacist organization – the KKK (Ku-Klux-Klan).

In Pike’s seminal work, “Morals & Dogma”, he declares that “LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! LUCIFER, the son of the morning! [For] Masonry is a search after Light. That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabbalah. In that ancient and little understood medley of absurdity and philosophy, the Initiate will find the source of many doctrines. This was the true ReLIEgion revealed to the ancient Patriarchs; which Masonry has taught for many centuries, and which it will continue to teach as long as time endures. Every Masonic Lodge is a ‘Temple of ReLIEgion’: and its teachings are instruction in ReLIEgion. The Bible is an indispensable part of the furniture of a Christian Lodge, only because it is the sacred book of the Christian religion. The Hebrew Pentateuch in a Hebrew Lodge, and the Koran in a Mohammedan one, belongs on the Altar; and [ANY] one of these, and the Square and Compass, properly understood, are the ‘Great Lights’ by which a Mason must walk and work…”

What specious blasphemy! What a work of deception SATAN has done in the hearts and minds of mortal men! Yet the plot thickens.

As the title of this discourse purport and imply, these lurid deceptions run deep within Satanic Bloodlines which have morphed throughout human history, bringing us down to our current age, was no accident of chance. Albert Pike himself affirmed that everything that was done on the earth (including the 2 WORLD WARS – and a 3rd soon approaching) were all “rigged”, “planned” & “orchestrated” from the outset, for ‘one grand design’, for one purpose and for one deterministic end (DOMINATION).

This revolution was a tour de force that began way back 4000 years ago, although Dr Martin cites “3 millennia.”

A look back to that primordial age, few will accept that ‘Dark Agencies’ based as astro-theology and the mythological zeitgeist of pagan occultism were created by the fallen sons of Cain. These Nephilim (Apostates) became the “Emissaries and Imps of SATAN” – riding across the Deluge of the antediluvian world to establish another forbidden world civilization, after Noah had passed away at the ripe old age of 950 years. This post-diluvian world kingdom became the nexus for the initiates of Sun-Worship and through the use of the (Square & Compass) divined and devised an architectural constructed edifice (temple of Babel) that would have reached up into the heavens – super-imposed to the “WORSHIP” of an earthly human-god called Nimrod, whom many believed to be an incarnation of Lucifer (the so-called light-bearer).

Ancient historian Josephus opined: “Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah – a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it were through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. Nimrod also gradually changed the government into tyranny – seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence upon his own power. He also said he would be revenged on God, if He should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach and that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers.” (Ant. I: IV: 2)

These words can also be found in the “Epic of Gilgamesh” as tyranny against The Creator God was placed in direct opposition to the Creed of Noah, as the then world followed Nimrod in this sacrilege.(the story can be read in: Chapters 7-10 in Book of Jasher)

Nimrod’s rule and eventual worship would come to encapsulate Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Egyptian, Grecian & Roman Empires or dynasties. The original post-diluvian sons of Noah, who were primarily Black-skinned Mesopotamians, built the civilizations of Assyria & Babylon (as history clearly outlines in the Bible). Human-gods like Nimrod were not only worshipped by this people-perpetuated mythological mystique but he was also seen as a powerful king and ruler to his people standing according to legend standing over 14ft tall. It is from this vantage point, was birthed the notion – “the divine right of kings”. Wars and conquest; the rise and fall of kingdoms; intermarriage of cultures & ethnicities would ultimately create Satanic bloodlines that would take over the genealogical rulership of the entire earth in all its myriad forms, down through time.

In Egypt for example, the apotheosis of fallen Pharaohs (like Osiris, Amen Ra, Isis, Horus, and others) who became astro-transcendent gods and are still being worshipped, even today, in belief structure and in literature. And although these Pharaohs copied their myths and changed their names (borrowing from Assyrian, Babylonian & even Persian influences) – the Greek god, Hercules and Egyptian god, Osiris (were in fact known to be Nimrod), having very similar, concocted stories. As Egypt clearly predates the Roman Empire, it’s safe to deduce that the stories of Nimrod & Osiris came before the formulation of any of the other Roman gods.

After the fall of pagan Rome, ecclesiastical or reLIEgious Rome became the pagan god-like power upon the earth – where certain family bloodlines (just as the Roman Senators & Elites in pagan-political Rome occupied the seats of power) migrated across Europe, after the barbarian hordes had fractured Europe into individual nation states – installing monarchies under the aegis of the Roman Church – a global ecclesiastical power that kings & queens worshipped and paid obeisance and homage to until today. Through intermarriage between different family dynasties, these wicked bloodlines held their ruling power together through alliances, treaties and the Catholic faith. It is noteworthy, to recognize how the Catholic Popes & its Prelates “REWROTE” the history of the world in the 1260 years it held sway over the entire earth (538 – 1798). Please see history in its truer form!

This Cabal of SELECTED-Barbarian monarchies came to rest primarily within the Edomite European theatre, with Britain as its centre in a triumvirate axis of evil. It is from this strategic place, having been set up by the Merovingians & the Druids that Britain became the loci from which the Vatican could work; in turn creating Washington, DC (fulfilling a triangulation of evil) which still rules the world today. As history is always “WRITTEN” by the VICTORS!

In their plans, we find the “Magnum Opus” (BIG PLAN) – which disgraceful former PM David Cameron termed the “BIG SOCIETY” that was nothing more than a rewording of an archaic treatise hatched in the bowels of Hell by Bavarian Illuminists – whose sole purpose was to bring the world into a global union ruled by a universal government. The players in the formulation of this ‘Big Plan’ began in the aftermath of “THE DARK AGES” in Europe where after the “FRENCH REVOLUTION” had thrown a spoke into the wheel of the Illuminati – as a result, Freemasonry was established in France in the 1730’s; where books were printed outlining the workings of the Lodge (though much was hidden in obscurity). So while France was establishing Freemasonry under its Jesuit crypto-Jews, in Scotland, the Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary’s Chapel) No. 1 dated back as far as July 1559.

In James H. Billington’s book – “Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith”, (p. 6) declares that “European aristocrats transferred their lighted candles from Christian altars to Masonic lodges. The flame of occult alchemists, which had promised to turn dross into gold, reappeared at the center of new “circles” seeking to recreate a golden age: Bavarian Illuminists conspiring against the Jesuits, French Philadelphians against Napoleon, and Italian charcoal burners against the Hapsburgs.” Interestingly, German Bavarian Illuminati founder (Adam Weishaupt) made a most startling revelation which Freemasons around the world often like to dispute – (citing the salubrious nature of what they do as Masons). Nothing could be further from the truth. Weishaupt said: “Do you realize sufficiently what it means to rule – to rule in a secret society? Not only over the lesser or more important of the populace, but over the best of men, over men of all ranks, nations, and religions, to rule without external force, to unite them indissolubly, to breathe one spirit and soul into them, men distributed over all parts of the world? And finally, do you know what secret societies are? What a place they occupy in the great kingdom of the world’s events? Do you think they are unimportant, transitory appearances?”

In Weishaupt’s statement is found a damning indictment on every country (BARBADOS INCLUDED) which has allowed Masonic temples to be built on their soil – given the subliminal language of socio-political control where no amount of persuasion will ever deter the inevitable consequences. For at the heart of this menacing evil called Freemasonry, is Kabbalism, – a system of Jewish mysticism and magic and is the foundational element in modern witchcraft, stretching from White & Black magic to Voodoo, Obeah and all other forms of virulent incantations to malevolent intrigue. Virtually all of the great witches, warlocks and sorcerers of the last century were Kabbalists, most notably, Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and the arch-Satanists Aleister Crowley .

It is from this “Dark Side of Freemasonry” that in 1855, the renowned Rabbi Isaac Wise wrote that “Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history; grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.” In the Jewish paper of 1861, “A VERITE ISRAELITE”, opines that “The spirit of Freemasonry is the spirit of Judaism in its most fundamental beliefs; it is its ideas, its language, it is mostly its organization, the hopes which enlighten and support Israel. It’s crowning will be that wonderful prayer house of which Jerusalem will be the triumphal centre and symbol.”

Within the sententious, veneered construct of Zionism, a look at “who is who” in our world today – from poLIEticians, to A-list Celeb entertainers, to the UBER-rich; the majority (90%+) are all Cabalists – with the vast majority of these men, either Freemasons or Rosicrucians (occult philosophy which harps back to the Enlightenment) – as other smaller percentages of these wider groups occupy high positions as “Knights of Malta” (a military arm of the Vatican’s shock troops who protect the wealth of the Roman church) – a veritable politico-reLIEgious organization within an already established church monolith.

There’s so much that time and brevity will not allow on this occasion to unravel but every man must study to show himself approved, for a workman must be able to rightly divide the word of truth.

Finally, according to Burke’s Peerage, (the aristocratic genealogy Bible) based in London, shows that “every presidential election in America, since and including George Washington in 1789, to Bill Clinton, has been won by the candidate with the most British and French royal genes. Of the [42] presidents to Clinton, [33] have been related to two people: Alfred the Great, King of England, and Charlemagne, the most famous monarch of France. So it goes on: [19] of them are related to England’s Edward III, who has [2000] blood connections to Prince Charles. The same goes with the banking families in America & Europe (i.e. Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Medicis, Oppenheimers, Coutts, Morgans, Mellons, and GoldmanSachs). George Bush and Barbara Bush are from the same bloodline – (the Pierce bloodline), which changed its name from Percy, when it crossed the Atlantic. Percy is one of the aristocratic families of Britain, to this day. They were involved in the Gunpowder Plot to blow up Parliament at the time of Guy Fawkes.” So to dispel and to DEBUNK* the “FALLACY” that President-SELECT* Donald J Trump was in fact ELECTED, flies in the face of incontestable, empirical evidence provided by those who have systematically studied the bloodlines of (aristocrats, US presidents, kings, queens & overlords & captains of industry) who in reality are NEVER* chosen by any stretch of the imagination by a political ballot cast by unsuspecting, docile, “DUMBED-DOWN” citizens but are chosen by their blood-ties, blood-lines & blood-oaths.

Most who refuse to accept empirical proof-positive “TRUTH” – yet cannot debunk the obvious similitudes sitting in plain sight, will choose rather to ‘stone the messenger’ because the message rifles their fragile, fickle comforts, un-nerving their debased, monochrome sensibilities because truth remains infallible and cannot be refuted.

This is often the perfect Satanic reaction to exposure.

For the kingdom of darkness will not sit idly by and allow an “Awakening” to occur without a virulent kick-back. Never before in human history have there been such a need to divorce ourselves from the metaphysical foibles of lurid indoctrination and the rancid catechizations of falsehood – drip-fed us through the medium of specious and malicious propaganda. In the words of Thomas Becon: “Let the rulers of the commonweal find some honest remedy, that the name of God be not blasphemed among their subjects…[May] God by His Holy Spirit mought vouchsafe to breathe into the hearts of all princes, kings and rulers that when they be godly assembled together for matters concerning the glory of God and the public weal, they may also entreat of this thing in their synods, congregations, parliaments, councils and that God may be glorified, and His most blessed name exalted of all nations from the East to the west!”

This is a charge to all those blinded by Satanic intrigue – who believe in an agenda of social control and subordination. For in the word of Scripture: “Righteousness exalts a nation – sin is a reproach to any people.” (Prov. 14:34)

We either live or we die by truth or by the irritancy of falsehood…


63 responses to “Satanic Bloodlines: Magnum Opus, Human Apotheosis Through Freemasonry & Man’s Eternal Quest For Global Control”

  1. @ Vincent
    It seems that you are beginning to get the point about the 1%….

    Perhaps if you keep your focus on the creation of diamonds, and on the percentage of carbon material that are able to respond to the enormous temperatures and pressures required, over the extended time period, to produce the valuable end-products, you may appreciate the analogy.

    If you were in the diamond business, …would you ‘poo-poo’ at a return of 1% …or even 0.1%?

    Most carbon material (with the POTENTIAL to become diamonds) end up as scrap and junk….
    …but that is just the way it is…… isn’t it?

    Perhaps you are happy just to become a chunk of coal, that can produce some useful heat for a fleeting moment…. but don’t ridicule the ones who seek the whole hog…. 🙂

    To each his own, Boss…

  2. By the way Vincent, Bushie agrees with you about Terence making references to “chapters and acts or whatever” in seeking to guide persons like you…..
    Bushie too has an issue with throwing pearls where they cannot be appreciated….

    Pearls are designed for kings, queens and princes…..

  3. Bushie

    Chuckle…….thanks for noticing this poor humble piece of worthless coal,who agrees with you that to each their own and may you enjoy everlasting options with many virgins.

  4. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    We can only hope.

    This is expected in a white majority country, an uneducated or barely educated swamp in the white house…this time around.

  5. Michael J. Mayers Avatar
    Michael J. Mayers

    “Perhaps you are happy just to become a chunk of coal … Bushie too has an issue with throwing pearls where they cannot be appreciated. Pearls are designed for kings, queens and princes.”

    Got that, Vincent, you unitiated peasant? You is damned, bro. And when lil baby jeebus arrivin nex Tuesday, could be Wednesday, probly roun 8.45 pee em, mebbe a bit later, you goan straight ta hell.

    Why, you might ask? And it’s a reasonable question. Because you have been JUDGED and found WANTING. You have SIGNALLY FAILED to stand in a humdrum little crowd in a shabby little place, your eyes half-closed, your mouth agape in bewilderment and your best arm outstretched to space, like a minimum-wage extra in some really bad zombie movie, your beseeching hand imploring the blessed Apostle Prophet in his unfortunately mismatched polyester clothing to PLEASE step in RIGHT NOW and institute lil baby J’s kingdom on Earth, with the blessed polyester Apostle Prophet as his divinely designated king.

    That’s why you are doomed. Really sorry about it, but the invisible spirits fighting this invisible and eternal war inside my head, the war that you’re too stupid and too un-kingly to see, have dictated it so.

  6. Michael J. Mayers Avatar
    Michael J. Mayers

    Good to see that Mr. Blackett has now stopped claiming that Essex University conferred a doctorate on him. Disheartening, though, to note that he now claims a doctorate from the University of Koln, where I happen to teach, on occasion.

    Rock on BRUV!

  7. Anyone notice that Jackass Boreman often uses a ‘J’ in the various pen-names he uses on BU to stalk his heroes here? …that’s the Jackass in him…

    Unfortunately, he is so limited and simple minded that whatever name he (apparently labours for days to) arrive at, his jackassery jumps out at you – in that, he offers nothing original, and seems to live to read and digest Bushie, David and his other BU heroes….

    What an addict…. !!

  8. Michael J. Mayers Avatar
    Michael J. Mayers

    Surely it’s “original” and worthwhile to point out that someone who recommends reading “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is just the kind of sad dunce who would claim on an internationally accesible website to have academic credentials that he patently does not have.

  9. Malcolm J. Mayers Avatar
    Malcolm J. Mayers

    “Unfortunately he is so limited and simple minded …”

    Don’t push your luck, dildo. Restraint is not limitless. Your name, like Piece’s, is just a heartbeat away.

  10. Mumbling And Grumbling

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