Submitted by Dr.George Brathwaite

“The rules of morality are not the conclusion of our reason.” – David Hume.

Reverend Lucille Baird
Reverend Lucille Baird

The history of Christianity in Barbados is just as long as it is dotted with prejudices and injustices (even beyond unashamed support for slavery). It so happens that contemporary Barbados is being pressured and systematically assessed by groups of persons – self-referencing Christians – believing that they alone have a monopoly on ideas and that theirs is the right and only way the country ought to be governed. More directly, it is coming across in Barbados that these Christian religious actors (both from the traditional mainstream and the later evangelical conflations), more so than any other religious group or corresponding institution believe that their intimate association with the Holy Bible gives them a superior place in exercising moral authority.

It is not unusual to hear some religious zealots speak with pious authority regarding the choices being made by individuals in society. Many persons to this day are convinced that choice alongside love are the two greatest gifts given to humankind. It is precisely why once colonised people like us here in Barbados, relish our freedoms to choose. Barbadians are highly unlikely to submit to any level of control being promulgated by religious leaders and other elites which suggest that the state must implement arbitrary and robust practices in a quest to curb deviance and forms of dislocation between law and order.

It becomes very disturbing therefore, when Reverend Dr. Lucille Baird can take herself as being serious in relation to offering solutions on ways to mitigate the crime situation in Barbados. The Barbados Advocate reports that in a demonstration of vitriolic unease against the social reality of a ‘block culture’ in Barbados, Baird made a declaration that is fundamentally flawed even in the context of Christian thinking. Baird proclaims that: “We have to wash these blocks. We can’t be reactive; we have to [be] proactive. If two people are sitting together, break it up … if three people are together, break it up. Before it becomes a big colossal giant that we can’t kill. It becomes a place of growing crime and criminal behaviour.”  I wonder what ever happened to love thy neighbour as thyself, and teach a child the way it should go.

In just over a month, Barbados would be celebrating its 50th anniversary of attaining Independence from Britain. It is therefore reprehensible that at this time, we are being served up a holier than thou meal wanting Barbadians subscribe to a diet of authoritarianism and the severe denial of constitutional rights. The citizen cherishes his or her freedoms inclusive of those legal safeguards allowing for association and to live peacefully without harassment from the state.

Now this writer is acutely aware that the state is a social construction and is intended to legitimately ameliorate the affairs of human kind. Given our democratic practices in Barbados, and the potency of our Constitution and body of laws, legitimacy is arguably best perceived as being the authentic measure of government’s efficacy and life. This legitimacy must therefore rest on the consent of the governed. In the annals of political science, there is a view that the ‘State is not just a set of physical structures, institutions, laws, territory and the citizens who give their allegiance to it, but a mode of thought and being in which life and activity is controlled and channelled into centralised systems of authority’. If we can accept this claim, it reasons that no single group in contemporary Barbados ought to have monopoly claim to what happens in terms of governance.

We all abhor the prevalence of crime, and many right thinking Barbadians are extremely concerned about drugs and gun violence. Barbadians want to see the appropriate policies put in place, and generally, Barbadians have been calling for better economic circumstances to drive their individual and collective development both at the personal and national levels. We all want our children to grow into good people, but ideas of this ‘good’ vary considerably. For some Barbadians, good children are obedient, respectful and patriotic; and for others, good children are free-thinking, independent and egalitarian preferring to assemble and ‘lime’ on the blocks.

Nevertheless, the persons that are 18 years and older, and registered to vote in Barbados are not all Christians. The electorate is essentially comprised of persons fitting different characteristics which would of necessity place them in majority or minority groupings. Even with such a natural segmentation, it is imperative that all persons must be fairly and justly treated in the scheme of things. Perhaps unwittingly, Baird appealed for the encroachment upon people’s rights, and for the state to act ultra vires. One does not know for certain since opportunists and impressionists also have legitimate rights to share their opinions in public. However, they do not have the right to impose any measures or determine the values that members of the society must conform.

Maybe today’s Christian leaders have preference for preaching down from the pulpit rather than gathering at the street corners and the so-called blocks where sinners are said to be present. This observation was alluded to by Baird when she regretted that: “Some are watering down the gospel for membership … Promiscuity and immorality are rampant. As a church we must repent for not speaking up against the ills of society. We’re keeping quiet when we should be speaking. The Church must know its role. The Church must pray earnestly because prayer works. Preach earnestly that Jesus is still Lord and saviour of Barbados and preserve the Christian and traditional values of the nation.”

It is a reasonable assumption that instead of calling for the banning of blocks, Baird would better serve her country by joining other civic leaders calling for the addressing of serious issues which are springing up and abounding in our school system. The school is a major and early institution of socialisation and far precedes the block and its culture. In fact, schools are both controlled environments and moral institutions, designed to promote social norms. The principals/teachers in the nation’s schools are moral agents. In effect, principals and teachers on a daily basis must make decisions that favour one moral value over another. Moreover, schools in theory are dedicated to the well-being of children, and the result is that students become influenced by the teachers’ conduct.

Thus, it is to that environment that Baird ought to place her energies. Baird can avoid the stern judgement call that lacks moral fibre, for instance, when she suggested that: “We endorse the bashment and wukup spirit and open the door to the other spirits. We have to close the door on bashment and wukup and say not with our country, not with our youth, and take back our country, our streets and our communities.” Clearly, the religious figure fails to accept that the development of culture is dynamic and that norms change over time and under a host of conditions. In fact, it is argued that “norms matter in a constitutive, interest-shaping way” which are influenced by social, economic, and political realities confronting members of the given polity or society.

Indeed, it is acceptable that Rev. Baird recognises the interrelationships of economics and the sociology of social organisation and living, although she remains contradictorily dismissive: “We are importing most of our food and they [mostly young people] are on the blocks sitting down all day long? They can work! Plant potatoes, cassava, yam and eddoes. And not the other thing.” Agriculture ought not to be projected as a panacea for eliminating the social ills happening in Barbadian society. A pertinent question is how far will Rev Baird go in leading the way to plant crops and till the fields? The fact is, rather than bringing enmity or chaos to the block, Rev Baird may be better positioned and challenged to go into schools and plant her seeds of right and hope for a better world. The block ought not to attract the top-down and prejudicially laced insistence to ‘do as I say but not as I do’.

(Dr. George C. Brathwaite is a part-time lecturer in Political Science at the UWI-Cave Hill Campus, a researcher and political consultant, and up until recently, he was editor of Caribbean Times (Antigua). Email: )

127 responses to “The George Brathwaite Column – Focus on Schools NOT Blocks”

  1. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    @ Dompey,

    Where is this scientific evidence that the God I believe in does not exist? Do you know and see, and feel my God? What kind of litmus test you got Bosey? In that case you are God and you exist.!!!

  2. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Bernard Codrington said: “doing good has to have a frame of reference”

    The frame of reference is one that relies on my own mind, not any mythology. I start with the perception that I am human and surrounded by other humans as well as other life forms. From there I hypothesize that other humans wish to be treated with similar kindness and consideration that I wish for myself. Thus I derive the Golden Rule from direct experience and observation. Quod erat demonstrandum.

  3. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Dompey…that same sized island…Haiti, with even less than 40 million people back then…staged a revolution and fought off the brutal oirces of the French and Brutish governments…to win their independence. …..and theur freedom from slavery.

    They are the first country in the western hemisphere to become independent. …before the US.

    so what’s your weak point….Dompey.

  4. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    I draw the line at arguing religion or god or any thing as complicated with Dompey, he struggles enough with straight forward facts on the history of black people..

  5. Bernard Codrington

    The atheist and agnostic are individuals who need to be convinced of God existence by way of empirical evidence. And most theists have yet to supply the evidence to support, substantiate and corroborate His existence, so their resort to an argument predicated on morality to give credence to God existence, but this argument fall flat on his face because the atheist argues that religious morality isn’t the only morality which directs man moral compass. The atheist argues that empathy, the golden rule, the pain and pleasure principle, as well as the Hammurabi code came about as a result of human deliberation and prior to oracular divination.

  6. @Bernard

    The Church Lads Brigade (CLB) and Church Girls Brigade (CGB) you mean?

    What we need is for our leaders to mingle with those who lime on the block to win their hearts and minds. This is a group of individuals who have become disaffected with society for whatever reason and we need to win them over.

  7. Bernard Codrington. October 11, 2016 at 5:37 PM #
    The CGB /CLB and the Barbados Youth Service, could hardly be described as “semi military”, because they have been trained to march .

  8. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    @ Dompey6:05PM

    You have to do better than that . You stated that there is scientific proof that “God” does not exist. Where is It? You clarified your term scientific to mean empirical. Where or what is this empirical evidence? The opinion of unnamed atheists? Opinion is not proof. In a sense it is scientific and all brilliant scientist knows that his knowledge is tentative. It has a shelf life until a more acceptable theory becomes the new flavour of an era.

  9. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    @ Colonel Buggy,
    You like you is a mock Colonel . Do you think marching is the essence of military? Having experienced School cadets and the CLB I can assure you that there is more to the military than marching. There is discipline, fortitude,creativity,trust,obedience , exercising judgement survival skills and law and order etc

  10. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    I agree with you entirely. That has been my experience with the youth. I have exercised leadership roles in sporting and cultural groups and one’s very presence can make a lot of changes in how the youth see themselves and the rest of society. Many of them will confess that no one showed them a different route. But one must not be judgemental because one would not have had their unique experiences.
    Modern Christians forget that Jesus asked his disciples to follow him. This is distinct from asking them to believe in him. In other words he asked them to do as he did. But that essential meaning of Christianity was lost in translation from Aramaic through reconstructed Hebrew, through Greek and then Latin.

  11. Bernard Codrington

    No need for all the lip-service and fanciful scientific and philosophical phraseology, simply provide us convincing proof that God does exist but not in metaphysical terms, but though the sensory medium.

  12. this block culture is formulated from within the home where there lack of moral and respect for law and order is not the first order of the day
    The community activities which children participated years ago and those who still do ,these activities were instilled into the child through proper parenting,, Those children who did attended had no choice of deciding what was in their best interest chidren were told and they did
    the block culture and its inhabitants mostly have one many rhings in common a lack of discipline and an inherent need not to be responsible for their making bad choices

  13. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “this block culture is formulated from within the home where there lack of moral and respect for law and order is not the first order of the day”.

    Exactly what we been saying…the block culture formulated and originated in the house of parliament. ..when corrupt ass politicians and government ministers, refuse to do the jobs.

    Election is coming up soon…we will hear about the ministers/politicians, their yardfowls, pimps and lackeys and the boys on the blocks again….this time with audio and video.

  14. Bernard
    I’ve read from Pythagoras the nature philosopher to Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, the moral philosophers of the western intellectual tradition, and yet to read of any of them giving account as to have walked or talked with Jesus -who the Bible conspicuously claims traversed the Roman Empire.

  15. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Rocking Pacha. ..if anybody deserved that terrible suffering and death he experienced in exile it was Christoher “Liar” Columbus.

  16. AC

    As a father of four I beg to disagree with your narrative that the block culture stems from the decadence of the home. And a father of four let me say this much: you can take a horse to water, but you can’t mek he drink. And argument regarding the impertinence of the young people today is the argument of nature verse nurture Ac,a lot of what the youth are doing today is the results bad choices they’re making and the environment which gives impetus to this antisocial behaviour. Now you spoke earlier today of enforcing the loitering laws once more, but you have to be circumspect with respect to balancing state rights to enforce such laws against the civil rights and civil liberties of the citizenry.

  17. Well Well

    As I continue to read your many posts here today, I can’t help but to surmized that there is a lot of unresolved anger coming from you regarding the genocidal colonization of the African people. Listen! We can’t do too much about our lot as a black people, but raise and heighten the consciousness of the younger generation to ensure that their do not forget about the egregious legacy of our enslavement as a people of colour.

  18. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    @PLT at 5:55 pm.
    Quod non erat demonstandum.
    In your rebut you used the terms” mind”, “perception” and’ hypothesize”. These terms are the foundation stones of myths. Myths , when that term is used scientifically, refers to a belief system which helps man cope with things he does not understand and becomes the crutch on which he virtually limps through life.
    When you used the term perception you meant belief. When you hypothesize you started from a premise which is not necessarily true and when you use your mind you can think things that are not factual. Put them all together and you have a template from which you can make sense out of your actions of doing good. And pray tell how did you know it is good. ?
    Jesus said the same thing in different words :” In as much as you have done all these things for your neighbour you have done them unto me ” . How does your belief differ from his and all the other authentic Christians?.


  19. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @ Bernard Codrington asked “How does your belief differ from his and all the other authentic Christians?”

    It’s mine, not something that was shoved down my throat by an institution that participated in the enslavement of my ancestors. Being mine, I can change and adapt it to new circumstances without being held hostage by an institution that has been implicated in so many centuries of immoral acts (slavery, child sexual abuse, corruption, misogyny, etc.) that I can no longer accord it the benefit of doubt.

  20. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Bernard Codrington

    The difference between perception and belief is simple. Tomorrow I might perceive things differently because I learn something today (and learning is absolutely my favorite thing to do). Beliefs encoded in a scripture don’t allow me that adaptability.

    You are right that I “can make sense out of […my] actions of doing good.” Make sense. Life for me is an interactive, ongoing process of making sense. “Knowing” for me is never absolute, but always contingent on making sense.

  21. i would submit that past generations of barbadians have undergone the most hostile rigors of social deprecation and unbearable poverty… however the one ingredient that stop society from falling apart with out having a need for children to engage in anti social behavior was a distinctive attitude for the respect for law and order with a refined discipline nurtured within the child starting with in the home and principled by good parenting, hence the absence for children hanging out on the block on all weird hours of day and nite looking for trouble ,,parents took their role seriously and instilled a doctrine of self responsibility within the child
    i would go further and say that if these principles were still advocated and adopted in every household there would be less children adopting the block culture of crime and violence as a way of seeking a better or easier life,Poverty is nothing new but what is new is that modern day parenting has lost the ability to control their households and in return gave the control to the child to do as they dam please opting at times to play a role of a parent instead of being a discipline parent,

    dompey yes i can see where the civil rights of a person ight be problematic in some cases when it comes to reedom of movement but when public safety becomes a real cause of concern govt in all justification have a constitutional right to reenact laws that are in the best interest of society without impeding or denying anyone civil rights, there are laws against loitering or suspicious behavior built within a clarity not to deny a person their
    civil rights

  22. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    It is you who asserted that there is no scientific proof of God’s existence. You brought none. You later shifted the argument to say that some Greek mathematician and Greek philosophers never met Jesus. And they could not. Check your chronology. These men lived long before Jesus was born. They lived in the BCE/BC, Jesus birth ushered in the AD/CE? But it matters not to me nor the issue under debate. The existence of God is not a scientific issue for me. One experiences God. I believe that there are atoms and quarks and I have no empirical evidence of them. I feel the wind but I do not see it . I am in love but I cannot measure it nor see it with my eyes. But I do experience it. Does that mean these things do not exist?
    By the way most Christians believe that Jesus is a manifestation of God. He himself, I am told, referred to himself as the son of man.( Whatever that meant to the Galileans).

  23. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    Is AC preparing us for a state of emergency? What is all this talk about a threat to public safety? He should come home and do a proper assessment. It seems as though he wants to mash up this country.

  24. i am assessing a problem that needs pro active govt intervention where public safety is of importance with increasing crime that breeds within a block culture in some neighborhoods resulting in crime and violence ,
    As i have stated there was a time in barbados when police had authority to arrest people who use certain areas within neighborhoods for unseemly illegal behave which might include street light gambling like shooting dice or lewd and outrageous behavior

  25. AC

    Yes I do agree with some of you points, but you have failed in you analysis to point specifically to a world culture which contributes to this moral decadence and impertince with in made accessible through social media.

    And secondly and though you have indicated the the moral- desication of the home environment has contributed somewhat to the block mentality, you have failed yet again to place any real responsibility on the institutions of the home and church. Institutions as you well know that are/were responsibility for shaping the worldview as well as the moral-compass of the malleable minds of the young people.

    Thirdly, it is not fair and well founded to compare our upbringings with that of the young people of today because we were bring upon a philosophy of hypocrisy. A philosophy which taught us to do as we are told and not as I do, and be seen and not be heard. So in essence AC, previous generations had not real voice as the young people do today because our right to personal expression were curtailed by our parent because for a child to correct a parent or and elder in our day was viewed as disrespect.

  26. AC
    Sorry I meant the institutions of the School and Church rather than the Home which I’ve mistakenly indicated above.

  27. AC

    How there we blame the young people for acting the way their do when we have parents running down the hall with an ice-pick at home trying to kill one another , then on Sunday morning in Church behaving holier than thou, this kind of behavious confuses the child.

  28. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Same thing with the damn ministers/politicians. …they do not lead by good example. .young people see right through the lies and hypocrisy. …of the leaders.

  29. Well Well

    The young people can see right through their parents as well and aren’t afraid to confront them and having been brought upon a philosohy hypocrisy,we have a tendency to interpret their right to speak they mind as a sign of disrespect.

  30. Dompey what you say might be true however it does not take away the sole responsibility of parents to discipline and model and shape the child for better , Early child development starts within the home and if parents fail in their duties the block would become the role model from where the child development and learn antisocial behavior reinforced by other societal norms some of which you noted .As far as church involvement there are children who have been parented by atheist and are known to be well trained with outstanding backgrounds having no criminal records ,i strongly believe that most of anti social behavior is attributed to poor parenting in early child development and if not well harnessed gets out of control and unleashed upon society
    oh another point of your concern was strict parenting which you have attributed to kids not being able to “speak out” although there should be a real concern there are very few children who grew in restricted households who have suffered negatively socially when compared to many children today who are reared in a climate of total freedom and who lacked the discipline to make responsible choices hence falling into attitudes and behaviors that negatively impact their well being case and point drugs and early childhood pregnancies

  31. AC

    I agree with most of what you’re saying, however, as I have stated earlier as a parents of four experience has taught me that you can take a horse tah watta but yah can’t mek he drink. And though you may inculcate the correct morals in your child most often peer pressure forces a child to rebel against his parental values because he or she crave acceptance.

  32. AC

    The social scientists would argue that a lot of the psychopathic and sociopathic behaviour we are witnessing amongst our young people today, boils down to the struggle between nurture and nature.

  33. AC

    In 1979 quite a few students at St. Leonard’s Boys Secondary where I attended smoked marijuana practically everyday. At Roebuck Boys Primary in the early 70s, students used to steal from Cave Shepherd during their lunch break, so a lot of what is occurring with the young people today, did happened in my day as well.

  34. AC

    A lot of police I knew personally used to screw a lot of the under age school girls during the interschool sports at the national stadium. so let’s not play holier-than-thou in our generation!

  35. AC

    Let me end by saying this: I was born and bred by a major police in Barbados and God is my witness I won’t fool you, but tourists used to get raped left and right during the1970s in Barbados but it was hidden from the press fairing it would have ddamagd our tourist industry. So Barbados was corrupted long before the DLP…

  36. AC

    I could tell you somethings about Barbados that would blow your mind: a certain CID police would died by poison in the early 80s son used rob and rape tourist continually in Barbados and everytime the guys would arrested the son the deceased police wife would knew that inspector would make one call when he sat on the black box and he would be releases. And he would go and repeat the same and the same cycle would be repeated for years.

  37. AC

    Greenidge aka Track Suit Top fromer CID detective who I knew quite well as he did me and who I never really as a child as District A Police Station during late to 70s to early 80s because he was a horrible abusive Barbadian citizens.

  38. Track Suit Top is probably last of Whitaker Killers still living.

  39. George is a long-winded commentator who labours to say in five long paragraphs what can be said in five short sentences.

    He is peddling the same arid, unsatisfying secularism that has ruined the Western world — North America and Europe are now saturated with deviance, sexual promiscuity and sexually transmitted diseases.

    Like George, many of our elites no longer believe in Jesus Christ. They are pagans for whom the historical Jesus was an ambitious preacher executed for his personal beliefs and teachings. (Are you listening, Peter). For most of these people, God is a concept we created, and it is time to move on to a new organizing principle. So they keep reminding us that Christianity has no monopoly on the truth.

    Problem is, atheism leads to mindless cruelty, abuse and endless warfare. We are reduced to animals with short lives competing against each other for scarce resources. If there is no life after death, why should I try to be a good person.

    George is leading us away from the Good Life. God forbid we should ever elect his party to power.

  40. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “Dompey. October 11, 2016 at 11:11 PM #

    Greenidge aka Track Suit Top fromer CID detective who I knew quite well as he did me and who I never really as a child as District A Police Station during late to 70s to early 80s because he was a horrible abusive Barbadian citizens.

    This explains quite a lot.

    Dompey…children have a right to speak their minds…if you do not listen when children speak you will never know what they are thinking.., that is never a good thing, once you know what they are thinking and how they think, they will always listen to your guidance.., take it from a pro at raising children.

    Dont expect them to follow guidance if you are unable to anticipate their thoughts because you dropped the ball and was not listening.

    Even when they reach adulthood, they expect you the parent to listen….it flows both ways…you listen to them from babbling 2 year olds going forward…they listen to you going forward. ..there will be missteps, but that’s expected. …no one learns without missteps. .

    Chad…you are such a useless hypocrite…a stagnating factor within the black race.

  41. On this 10th day of Muharrum – Ashura

    We recognize the selfless sacrifice of Imam Hosseine

    If the people of the West knew of him there would be no one more revered.

  42. It was on this day, nearly 1400 years ago, that Hosseine, accompanied by 72 companions and family members, confronted the tyrant of his time.

    Yazid had, what military historians say were between 13,000 and 100,000 soldiers, on his side.

    In an unequal fight for righteousness and against wickedness at Karbala there was an ‘expected’ result.

    1400 years later the battle continues but the result, even against a more deadly and more widely supported modernized Yazid, make very be victorious for the followers of Iman Hossiene.

  43. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @chad99999 at 1:58 AM # re ” Problem is, atheism leads to mindless cruelty, abuse and endless warfare. We are reduced to animals with short lives competing against each other for scarce resources. If there is no life after death, why should I try to be a good person.”

    My simple appreciation of Christianity which one of our bloggers distills so ‘eloquently’ to a wonderful ‘five sentence relevancy’ with his ‘BBE model’ tells me your remarks above are the epitome of hypocrisy.

    If you adopt verbal abuse and endless personality warfare on earth but seek your peaceful afterlife by evoking the name of your savior only as needed or on Sundays how does that make anyone a good person?

    In which era has the pursuit of a religious based Christian ethos not led to endless wars started by the religious zealots?

    Faith is an awesome personal thing but to proselytize as some do here and at the same time evoke and carry-on the most unchristian like actions is ‘eye for an eye’ amazing.

    That sir, is the same mindless cruelty abuse and endless warfare. Soldiers for Christ like yourself are the reason ‘the wars’ are endless!

  44. In some international jurisdiction there are visible signs posted strategically against loitering with actions if deem necessary subjected to police enforcement
    Why cant barbados use a similar process where there are areas of habitual congregation well known to have evidence of illegal activity
    In some way it can help to decrease the block culture that leads to lawlessness and increase criminal activity.

  45. Pacha

    The world is a complicated place and human beings are complicated animals. An action usually has multiple causes.
    A war blamed on religion is usually a war cloaked in religious differences, not caused by them.
    I am a nice guy, etc. Distinguish an action from reaction.

  46. A pox on all religions…..opiate of the masses……truer words never spake

    Mans quest to understand the un-understandable has created real misery on this planet…..many agnostics do exist.

  47. Vincent Hayne

    One thing is clear and that is to everything existence there is obviously a beginning and whether it is God, the universe, the big bang, human and animal live, we have yet to prove it.

  48. Dompey October 12, 2016 at 1:02 PM #

    Chuckle…..the view of a true agnostic……their is hope for you yet.

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