saynotocahillThe Greenland Landfill project will forever taint the legacy of the Barbados Labour Party and the period the Owen Arthur administration governed Barbados from 1994 to 2008. There is the oft saying “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” The Cahill Energy project, with all its warts, will be known as the project that dispelled the feint notion the Democratic Labour Party is the change agent many hoped for.

Several documents, voice recordings and discussions are a matter of record to support the conclusion that Cahill waste to energy project is a scam to feather the nest of a few in Barbados. Here are a few more documents:

137 responses to “The Birth of Cahill Energy”

  1. Surely none of you believe that this government will admit to wrong doing with a general election on the horizon? This government has been governing Barbados based on political considerations for all the two terms.

  2. Is the same Denis Lowe who refuses to acknowledge correspondence from FCT to meet? Mr Lowe knows of the sustainable options to Cahill.

  3. If per contract Cahill energy owns all the garbGe on the island and since they have caused delay in the project shouldn’t they be held responsible for the mountains of garbage backing up at the kerb sides on the island????

  4. The alarming development that of both the DLP and BLP only spaeaking of corruption during elections is alarming, rather than stamping it out,
    Our politicians and their corporate buddies are entrenched in graft.

    “If you are concerned about inequality, corruption is a big problem because however you look at it … the main burden of corruption will fall on poor people.”

    Alina Rocha Menocal

  5. #denislowebarbados “Corruption is endemic to the capitalist system and has not been successfully regulated away.”

    Government bureaucrats, from local to national to international, are exposed for having abused their offices for personal gain but never in Barbados. That gain is usually financial. Much of that corruption is driven and financed by capitalist enterprises. In that kind of corruption, officials enable tax avoidance thru waivers, provide subsidies, make purchases and sometimes sales, and decide many other “public” matters (e.g. locating roads, partnerships and constructing facilities. #denislowebarbados #chrissincklerbarbados

  6. Political Watcher Avatar
    Political Watcher

    @Another David, perhaps thats why the concessions are so many to these companies setting up. On another note there is a rumor going around that Chris Sinckler has early staged Parkinsons Disease. If that rumor is in fact true then it justifies the callousness to which he treats the Barbados economy.

    Thus the country needs to know, is Chris Sinckler and Denis Lowe both terminally ill? Perhaps #SheriVeronica can tell us.

  7. Political Watcher Avatar
    Political Watcher

    He looks sick and moving slow

  8. On behalf of the Future Centre Trust, we wish to express our gratitude to the many callers. However, we will not be drawn into any reactionary response but will be measured in our response to what is obviously a difficult episode in our democracy.

    Finally some win wars and others win battles. Thus, the Future Centre Trust will use what remedies exist under the Administrative Justice Act and whatever else exist legally to fight this travesty of Denis Lowe.

  9. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “Bush Tea February 10, 2016 at 8:06 AM #
    Face it…
    This country is being run by a bunch of liars, crooks, bribe-takers and lowlife scum.”

    I am wondering why it seems that each and everyone one of them think the same way and not one of them would stand up to the other about corruption against the people, how is it you have 2 political parties filled with corrupt members……who will stand up to them, who will make the first step in having these crooks imprisoned somewhere, anywhere.

    Does this problem with garbage start in the schools where no one seems to be sure how an effective garbage system should be implemented and who should be responsible for collecting/picking up garbage, how is it no one is capable of solving the garbage problems, it’s been years of hearing garbage collection problems abound on a little rock…where is this mental block coming from in adults.

    Why can’t grown adults in positions of responsibility solve simple matters that threatens the wellbeing of the country.

  10. Self serving minority blatantly helping themselves to the hard earned money of masses under the guise of rigging the wrongs of the past
    Do They think people are stupid ??

  11. “and to have dumped Maria Agard …who COULD have represented such a new face, is actually pissing in the faces of Bajan brass bowls…”
    Maria Agard dumped herself Bushie. You should have showed her how to play down the line

  12. balance, ….did Jesus also dump himself? did MLK? did Arthur?

    Anyone seeking to do the RIGHT things in a vile, wicked, lowdown environment will be ‘dumped’….. (unless of course BBE is involved in their support and determines otherwise 🙂 )

    What are you suggesting then…? …that such a person should ‘toe the line’, and when in Rome do as the Romans do….’?
    Obviously that is what all the other MPs are up to…

    Why did you think Caswell was always getting his ass dumped?
    He has ALWAYS been too focussed on the RULES…..

  13. A political party like an organization can dump anyone if it is the plan.

  14. @Well Well,
    “….Why…..”, because we have an indisciplined, uncaring, rumour mongering, vindictive, small minded society. Because they see life through blinkered eyes that do not see the wide world and think we can exist in this world alone. Because we as members of society prefer to be negative rather than support progressive and positive ideas and actions. Because we do not pay enough attention to those young people among us who are doing positive things, and moving ahead, while so many of the older people are mired in our own expectation of corruption in every activity in every sphere of life, and in everyone else.

    We see the indiscipline in the ZR stands, in the environs of the Cheapside market. We see it in the former “Rockers Alley”, which certain people wanted- and succeeded for a while-to turn into a Ghetto in the heart gf Broad Street, until the authorities took drastic steps to remove them, using the Police and the Defence force. We see this in the suggestion from Trevor PRESSED, M.P THAT SQUATTERS BE REWARDED-BECAUSE IT COULD ONLY BE A REWARD- BY MOVING THE SQUATTERS IN THE BELLE AND SUCH PLACES, AND PLACING THEM IN COVERLY. The squatters are there illegally and illegality should never be rewarded. Many of the people in the Belle have constructed houses using concrete board walls, they have expensive vehicles they are not all homeless. I have watched the growth of this development over many years. They, and the politicians are awaRE OF THE DANGER TO THE REST OF THE PO;ULATION CREATED BY THEIR UNCARING ATTITUDES, AND VISIBLE EXPRESSIONS OF INDISCIPLINE AND LACK OF RESPECT FOR LAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS, ANDAUTHORITIES IN GENERAL.

    Maria Agard’s treatment is synmtomatic of the malaise of unsympathetic, uncaring and selfish attitudes that have come to the fore in recent times. And your response is evidence of this.

  15. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Alvin……your argument does not hold water, the politicians are not corrupt…..because of SOMEONE ELSE.

    They are not incompetent because of SOMEONE ELSE.

    They are not greedy because of SOMEONE ELSE.

    They did not make the decision to collude with criminals because of SOMEONE ELSE.

    The have not been wasting time and taxpayers money for decades because of SOMEONE ELSE.

    They have not sat QUIETLY BY, if you can find one politician who is not corrupt, and said nothing while the corrupt ones decimated the integrity, character and reputation of the island because of SOMEONE ELSE.

    It’s time DBLP politicians start taking responsibility for their own dirty corrupt deeds and action and stop blaming everything on SOMEONE ELSE.

    And so should you Alvin……grow the hell up. We all see the indiscipline, disrespect and criminal behavior emanating from the house of parliament the leaders and representative s, get them to lead by example and set better standards…….neither you nor they can blame SOMEONE ELSE

    Do you think you are speaking to AC or another clueless yardfowl…….please

    The first thing a politicoan wants upon being elected is a big expensive car, even before they can afford….I wonder where the squatters got that idea, tell your big eyes, big guts leaders to lead by example….the days are long gone when they can pass the blame to SOMEONE ELSE.

  16. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @Alvin Cummins February 11, 2016 at 7:40 AM
    “We see the indiscipline in the ZR stands, in the environs of the Cheapside market. We see it in the former “Rockers Alley”, which certain people wanted- and succeeded for a while-to turn into a Ghetto in the heart of Broad Street, until the authorities took drastic steps to remove them, using the Police and the Defence force.”

    It’s a pity you are not prepared to proffer a similar aggressive approach by the authorities to remove the piles of garbage and discarded vehicles that now beautify Barbados. As a man ‘knowledge’ about the power of germs, viruses and other pathogens to negatively impact on human populations and destroy their economies in a twinkling of an eye why don’t you demand the authorities do something about the massive ghetto and unsanitary conditions that are expanding daily in the areas you were raised? When last have you taken a journey down memory lane and actual walked through Nelson Street and its environs where you were brought up stupid near Combermere Street?

    Are you able to appreciate that the area poses a major potential national health hazard right in the heart of “Historic” Bridgetown much promoted and boasted about as a World Heritage site?

    So why not demand the authorities take drastic action (again) not only the illegal squatters in the Belle (and quite rightfully in the interest of national public health) but also in the hellhole of drug addiction and unacceptably depressed housing conditions that would make the one-eye sea admiral Nelson and the warmonger Wellington puke with disgust and horror.

    BTW, the BLP is not in power so we don’t want to hear one damn excuse from you or the other stuck-in-the-past ac about the BLP not doing it 14 years ago. The current administration has increased and collected more tax revenues than the previous administration did within a comparatively similar time period.

    We await your response while holding our breath for your current view on the decision to scrap the Sugar Point Cruise Ship terminal project which you lauded as the best thing for Bridgetown since the building of the port.

  17. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Miller….I am sure Alvin’s ministers are waiting for SOMEONE ELSE to implement an effective garbage collection and disposal system, whil vthey collect kickbacks for pretending to implement one….steupssssssssss..

  18. @Alvin Cummins, your partisan support/loyalty even if blind is to be admired. However, you lack credibility when you fail to show political corruption among your friends.

    You arguments willalwatys lack credibility when your cherrypicking is so blantly obvious. Mr Lowe has been an arrogant and uncooperative persons who behaves like he is god and not accountable. Perhaps grandfathered legislation may allow us to hold him accountable for his political stewardship.

    Mr Cummins, be fair in your criticism for the world is watching. His nemesis will be the voters during the next election.
    DTIP Mr Cummins

  19. Correction: Trevor Pressed. M.P.

  20. @Well Well, Kammie and Miller.

    Your responses; AND THE TYPE, are not unexpected. RATHER THEY WERE ANTICIPATED.

    A careful READING OF MY CONTRIBUTION WOULD REVEAL THAT FIRST OF ALL, I DID NOT MENTION THE BLP ANYWHERE. THE MENTION OF ROCKERS ALLEY SHOWS THAT THIS PROBLEM OF SQUATTING AND INDISCIPLINE, LACK OF RESPECT FOR AUTHORITY ETC, indicated that these attitudes existed long time ago. I specifically mentioned Trevor Prescod, because of his “solution”to the squatters in the Belle. He recognizes that something should be done, but instead of condemning their actions he encourages it.By proposing a policy he KNOS is illogical: Coverly is NOT a Government project, or housing development, but is a PRIVATE undertaking, but how many of the constituency he is addressing know this. He wants to give the impression that it concerns government. Has he ever visited Coverly? How many of you have visited it?

    The ZR culture arose a long time ago and grew under all administrations. Your attempt to shift the discussion to the shoulders of the authorities is stupid, und obviously intended to obfuscate the issues. WE the society, covers EVERYBODY. WE the people; the first words of the American Constitution, includes everyone there. We the society here covers EVERYONE HERE. Nelson Street and Wellington street were once; in the early days of the city, were middle-class districts, giving rise to many prominent citizens. The ghetto like situation existing in Fairchild street; yes in Combermere street, Ashby Alley, Nelson street and the environs, is indicative of the thinking of those who constructed the shacks there. It is indicative of the thinking of those who inhabit it. The slovenliness of the people who do business there; their inability to keep their surroundings clean, their seeming desire to live in that atmosphere is to be condemned. NOT SHIFTED TO ANYONE ELSE.It should be condemned by everyone not only because it is unsightly, but because it is unhealthy, and breeds unhealthy attitudes.
    And in answer to Miller I passed through Nelson Street last week. That is why I am angry.
    Who creates the Garbage? Who discards the vehicles at the sides of the roads? What prevents someone who has a vehicle that is no longer of any use, from getting it removed to the recycling centre; either B’s or SBRC. Who stops a householder from obtaining containers and putting his garbage in it for collection on the appropriate day.? It is the uncaring, householder. Who encourages a motorist to throe his fast food container through his car window onto the road? It is his/her indiscipline and attitude that it will be removed by someone else. Who encourages a trucker with a truck load of garbage to dump it in a gully or open pasture???


    If I see someone doing wrong; whether it is the Speaker, the Prime Minister, or Ding Ding, should I emulate them? Can’t I think for myself and follow my dictates? Maybe that is one of our major problems. We follow bad things too easily instead of doing what is right and emulating those who are progressive and good.

  21. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    This is the reason why I have no respect for this corrupt, manipulative, walloping in his own conceited wisdom of deceit that calls himself Alvin Cummins. Bare shite ya.

  22. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Lol…..SSS, the dude don’t know his ass from his elbow, clouded and blinded by yardfowlism.

  23. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Alvin….you just made some sense in that the people are to be blamed for choosing greedy, corrupt asses with no sense of loyalty to the same people who elected them…in that respect the people should be blamed and work on never being so blinded by lies and deceit from politicians again.

  24. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Alvin….let me show you the errors of your ways, I feel like sharing this morning.

    “The ZR culture arose a long time ago and grew under all administrations.”

    That culture grew and is out of control because back then, many poliicians owned ZR vans and encouraged the nasty behavior, dirty music and destruction of young lives of children who caught those vehicles, so they can make lots of money, there is that greed again at the expense of others…..that was years before the indian business people took over the ZRs and continued the tradition…..ask your ministers and stop spreading your lying propaganda by twisting the truth.

  25. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    By the way, you have been on here defending and condoning each and every criminal act, thievery and corruption perpetrated by DBLP and their friends, from David Thompson-CLICO, Leroy Parris, Dennis Lowe, Cahill, Speaker of the house Michael Carrington……why are you lying Alvin.

    I am through with you for today, I got my book authored by Philip Nicholls to start reading by now and Saturday……so shoo.

  26. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Alvin Cummins February 11, 2016 at 10:20 AM

    We couldn’t agree with you more Alvin C. If Bajans really worth their pinch of salt of decency many sitting in the HoA should be picking pond grass to feed Massa animals. Many of them are uncouth, lower class liars just there not to represent the interests of the people but to line their own pockets at the expense of the Treasury. Does any one spring to your mind?

    But let us get back to your disingenuously evasive response to the matter at hand.
    So you are giving a free pass to the authorities responsible for enforcing the various laws against littering and illegal dumping? Why have laws if they are not being enforced?

    Why not come down heavily on the same government which allows their own premises to become dumping grounds because of poor upkeep?
    Why don’t you pay a visit to the Warrens Government Offices Complex and see the state of the land surrounding it? What about the old General Hospital location; a place close to your heart and full of childhood memories? What do you think is breeding in those abandoned leaking building? The animals at the former Government Livestock Station or the ‘working’ girls around the same area with which you are quite familiar?

    Have you seen the number of abandoned vehicles that have turned the MTW compound into a graveyard? Who are you going to blame for the sorry state of government controlled premises? The people in Nelson Street, the Belle and the Pine?

    The people in the Belle, Cats Castle and the Nelson surroundings need help as has been promised by the same deceitful lying people sitting in that so-called august Chamber. Not vilification and condemnation by you and your ilk. Why not put some of the most in need of housing solutions in the unoccupied Grotto project and other structures of corruption and kickbacks which if not soon occupied will be vandalized and turn into breeding grounds for mosquitoes, rats and other vermin.

    The same way you cannot make a silk purse out of a pig’s ear neither can one change you, Alvin, into a charitable person devoid of the blindness as a result of the yellow and blue blinkers you wear with haughtiness and stitched with an unbreakable thread of arrogant stupidity and ignorance.

  27. @ Miller, Well And SSs..

    Your posts are still predictable.
    The total membership of the house of assembly is thirty, plus or minus. Are they singly or collectively responsible for the tons of garbage deposited daily? Did any of them place the litter in the gullies? Which one constructed an illegal dump, instead of taking the garbage to the landfill or the waste separation plant where it is legislated to go.? Is that being a responsible citizen? Why has he not been chastised by the opposition members who are among those counted as being members of the house, and therefore responsible citizens.I have not heard one member of the opposition condemning such action. Is that being responsible? How one sided can you get.

    I make no apologies for anything I have said. If Bajans were somehow transported to Singapore overnight, half them would be in prison within two days. They don’t make sport over there. In Toronto they would learn as quickly. Every household has to purchase garbage bins from the municipality; each one with a lid affixed. Grey for paper. cardboard etc. Green for cans and bottles, Blue for compostables.In high rise apartments the garbage bins (skiffs) are of the same colours. Cardboard etc have to be taken down in the elevator when you are leaving home and deposited in the appropriate bin, and the same goes for cans and bottles and plastic containers. Small bags of compostable material are placed in the laundry chutes and go directly in the skill of the appropriate colour which is placed at the borrow of the chute.The thing is that even though people live in apartments, each resident takes time to recycle and has pride in where they live. Of course some still have to be educated, cautioned or cajoled, but everyone gets the message.

    What is the matter with us? Why do people like you not try to talk to people; through this medium,other social media, or otherwise, and try to convince them that they are wrong, instead of trying to give them s free pass and try to pillory the members of parliament. Remembering that both government and opposition make up the government,(Ruling party and opposition).

    By the way Miller, although you can’t make a silk purse out of a pig’s ear, neither can a leopard change it’s spots. So I expect nothing different, in your mouthing from what you constantly write. Most appropriate, this discussion, because you are on and in familiar ground.Bare garbage, and you are definitely wallowing in it.
    Of course I will come down hard on the very people who allow places to run down, become dilapidated, overgrown with bush, untidy, unkempt an filthy. But I also blame those who refuse to enforce the legislation that the Governments (All) have put in place to battle these situations. But as I said before, and I will repeat again: Bajans are nasty, indisciplined, unwilling to abide by laws, rules and regulations, and obstinate in the extreme.Cars do not put themselves at the sides of the roads and become garbage. Garbage does not put itself outside garbage bins. Mt. Stinker did not build itself to its present height naturally. It is a mountain of GARBAGE.We created that garbage. The buildings in the water zone of the Bell did not build themselves, and both the members of Parliament that represented the area; both BLP and DLP, condoned and supported and conveniently ignored what was going on there, though they BOTH, knew it was wrong.

    And Well Well, the ZR culture , as a lawless bunch of individuals began many many years ago. It did not have vans and Minibuses driving themselves. It had owners; all shades and ethnicity, it had conductors, it had passengers who all played a part in the deaths and injuries that have occurred because their behaviour has been condoned and encouraged.
    As I said before, my condoning (apparent) of illegal acts should not be encouragement for you to do likewise. And what does CLICO have to do with the ZR culture, that maims school girls, that kills and injures passengers and expenses road users and drivers, and whose premiums increase with the additional costs to insurance companies.

    Tell Them! Tell Them. Not me. I know better.

  28. Alvin

    I must agree with you that the thirty people in the House of Assembly did not place any garbage in gullies. Mind you, 16 out of that 30 are responsible for creating the environment where people resort to illegal dumping. It was all about making one of their campaign contributors, Bizzy Williams, richer at the expense of the rest of the country.

    Sent from my iPad


  29. Had the government dealt with reputable waste management constructors there would be a fully operational waste to energy plant in operation on the island right now and the mountains of detritus would not be blighting our streets back alleys and beaches .
    So Mr Cummings the government did litter our streets with garbage by their in action and incompetent currupt dealings.

  30. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Alvin Cummins February 11, 2016 at 10:42 PM
    “Of course I will come down hard on the very people who allow places to run down, become dilapidated, overgrown with bush, untidy, unkempt an filthy. But I also blame those who refuse to enforce the legislation that the Governments (All) have put in place to battle these situations. But as I said before, and I will repeat again: Bajans are nasty, indisciplined, unwilling to abide by laws, rules and regulations, and obstinate in the extreme.Cars do not put themselves at the sides of the roads and become garbage. Garbage does not put itself outside garbage bins.”

    So Lord Pontificate Alvin the Augustus, are you implying that the Barrow experiment of ‘free universal education’ has failed and failed miserably?
    Given the billions of tax dollars spent over 50 years don’t you think that the expected benefits of education in creating disciplined, hygienically aware and law abiding citizens should be accruing to the nation called Barbados? Do you agree the schools should be closed down and turned into Victorian-type workhouses and the religious shops of mythology be razed to the ground for their failure to impart sound moral principles and commitment to civic duty?

    Or are you clearly confirming it is in the black Bajan people’s DNA to be indisciplined and dirty when compared to their Singaporean counterpart who started out two developmental decades behind Barbados of the 1950’s

    Let us say this to you: Why not issue one of your papal bulls to the authorities and command them to set the examples for those Bajans who are “nasty, indisciplined, unwilling to abide by laws, rules and regulations, and obstinate in the extreme” can follow or be penalized accordingly with the Singaporean model to emulate.

    If a country requires 35 trucks to service its garbage collection needs and only 15 trucks are in good working condition what would you think would happen? A functioning recycling culture imposed from above on the people by the god of Public Sanitation?

    How can that jackass Lowedown claim that the shortage of trucks and equipment is not a problem?
    Wasn’t a similar lame excuse given over last two years about the pile up of garbage being seasonal and not a major concern? Now both you and the same minister backed by some of his colleagues are putting the blame squarely on the people’s shoulder the same way you are blaming the people for voter fraud. If there is no buyer there certainly cannot be a seller.

    Why can’t you and your incompetent administration live up to at least some of its promises made to the same nasty indisciplined law-breaking Bajans by holding firm to at least one of its pillars for future success as concretized in your 2013 manifesto:

    The preservation of the natural environment is
    absolutely critical to the social and economic future
    of Barbados. For example, tourism, the major foreign
    exchange earner is dependent on the natural resource
    base of the economy as a source of land to provide
    tourism infrastructure and the provision of water,
    food, a clean marine environment, and natural
    attractions such as the Harrison’s Cave.

    Government has an inescapable responsibility
    to assume the lead responsibility for ensuring that
    the environment is managed effectively.

    The process of environmental care is the concern
    of every citizen and resident of Barbados.”


    Yes, Bajans are reaping alright; the tares of your lies and incompetence
    What a load of rubbish from the George Street cesspool of liars and scumbags.

  31. Just drove round the island to take a good look at the mess our island is in .
    There is garbage and litter in every crevice and gully I looked at
    It’s a national disgrace .
    SSA/SBRC should be sued and taken to task for the disgraceful state they have allowed our island to descend into to .
    Cahill energy is a scam our government is a shame.

  32. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Alvin…..what’s wrong with the 30 in parliament that they cannot get any of it fixed on such a small island, as you said it’s been decades all this has been going on…that is what everyone wants to know.

    If the parliamentarians were not colluding with all the culprits, the problems would be fixed, that is what you cannot get through your hard, yardfowl head.

  33. Lest yardfowls forget


    Long-term exposure to air pollution is associated with age-related diseases. We explored the association between accelerated biological aging and air pollution, a potential mechanism linking air pollution and health. We estimated long-term exposure to PM10, PM2.5, PM2.5 absorbance/black carbon (BC), and NOx via land-use regression models in individuals from the KORA F4 cohort.

    Accelerated biological aging was assessed using telomere length (TeloAA) and three epigenetic measures: DNA methylation age acceleration (DNAmAA), extrinsic epigenetic age acceleration (correlated with immune cell counts, EEAA), and intrinsic epigenetic age acceleration (independent of immune cell counts, IEAA). We also investigated sex-specific associations between air pollution and biological aging, given the published association between sex and aging measures. In KORA an interquartile range (0.97 µg/m3) increase in PM2.5 was associated with a 0.33 y increase in EEAA (CI = 0.01, 0.64; P = 0.04). BC and NOx (indicators or traffic exposure) were associated with DNAmAA and IEAA in women, while TeloAA was inversely associated with BC in men.

    We replicated this inverse BC-TeloAA association in the Normative Aging Study, a male cohort based in the USA. A multiple phenotype analysis in KORA F4 combining all aging measures showed that BC and PM10 were broadly associated with biological aging in men. Thus, we conclude that long-term exposure to air pollution is associated with biological aging measures, potentially in a sex-specific manner. However, many of the associations were relatively weak and further replication of overall and sex-specific associations is warranted.”

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