Submitted by Robert D. Lucas, PH.D and CFS Food biotechnologist & Certified Food Scientist
Leonard St. Hill (former Town Planner believes too many epidemics in Africa seem to have the effect of weapons of mass destruction
Leonard St. Hill (former Town Planner believes too “many epidemics in Africa seem to have the effect of weapons of mass destruction”

There was a letter in the Daily Nation (30th. September 2014), entitled: Ebola a weapon of mass destruction? written by Mr. Leonard St.Hill. The gist of what he had to say is as follow: he avers that the absence of speculation (presumably its origins) over Ebola virus raises some suspicion. He goes on to state “that too many epidemics in Africa seem to have the effect of weapons of mass destruction which can result in genocide. He concludes that Africa is serving as a laboratory where the pharmaceutical (western) industry, use native Africans as test subjects to ascertain the efficacy of the pathogen and antidote, whilst making a financial killing.”

In the past , I have stated that persons should always stick to their areas of technical expertise and that the majority of Barbadians are scientific illiterates. St.Hill falls under both headings. He displays gross ignorance of microbiology and biotechnology and is guilty of disseminating false innuendoes to an uninitiated public.

The major pharmaceutical companies have little interest in doing research in little known tropical diseases. The returns on their investment are not worth it. The people of Africa are too poor and cannot afford the cost of a complete regimen of treatment. The return on investment is also one of the reasons; there have been few new antibiotics on the market. You are infected, you pop a few pills and the infection goes away. Then there is the regimen of vaccinations, which means that most life-threatening diseases are held at bay. The companies make their money from chronic diseases such as, certain forms of cancer, heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. They want repeat clients, this where they make their money.

Africa has the greatest diversity of fauna in the world. One would also expect that the microbial world in Africa would also be diverse. When the Spanish first came to the Caribbean, they found flora which they had never seen before (cocoa, pineapple, avocado etc.). Similarly, in Africa, increases in population density have meant the encroachment by man of pristine jungle areas, resulting in exposure to new pathogens. Some of these pathogens over the years acquire the ability to cross the species barrier. In nature; micro-organisms are constantly exchanging DNA fragments between themselves. The exchange of DNA can be intra-species or inter-species; this process is called either transformation or transduction depending on whether bacteria or viruses are involved, This constant exchange of DNA can give rise to new strains which are either more pathogenic and virulent or less so than their progenitors. It is a documented fact that most new strains of the influenza virus originate in Asia, especially in China a country with the larges porcine population in the world. When animals and humans live cheek by jowl, human-animal inter-actions must occur. In other words, inter-action at the microbial level can and does occur. When this happens there is a new strain of the influenza virus. Are the pharmaceutical firms also causing genocide in Asia?

In Africa, there are myriads of known and unknown microbes. For example: Lassa fever, Marburg virus and Ebola, all of which are haemorrhagic viruses whose vector is the fruit bat. Then there are River blindness, Sleeping sickness and Nodding disease of the Sudan, where children constantly nod their heads and waste away.

There is no need for the pharmaceutical companies to covertly engage in genocide in Africa. The Africans are doing an excellent job of genocide on themselves. The question St. Hill should be addressing, is why are not the African countries doing their own research and solving their own problems, instead of depending on western countries? He should also be addressing the high illiteracy rate which, is resulting in Ebola running amok among the West African countries.

Finally, yesterday, the Journal Science published an article by Professor Pybus of Oxford University and Dr. Faria who used computational analysis and phylogenetic reconstruction (roughly means tracing family history) to traced back the origins of HIV-1 to the 1920’s in the Congo. One can do so by looking at the rates of mutation of some genetic markers. Whenever one mutates a micro-organism, one must check for the revertant rates (i.e. the number of mutants which change back to the original state), to ascertain the stability of the new

384 responses to “Dispelling a Myth About EBOLA”

  1. this DR explains or teaches in detail FACTS or myths about viruses , some what laborious with lots of scientific detail about the health of the immune systems and its job in battling viruses worth watching, there are three parts for those interested in learning ,

  2. the doctor ask pertinent questions, give relevant answers another eyeopener as to why people suspicions and mistrust of govt! another MUST watch

  3. ac | October 19, 2014 at 8:59 AM |
    the doctor ask pertinent questions, give relevant answers another eyeopener as to why people suspicions and mistrust of govt! another MUST watch

    I have not, as yet, watched the video…

    My comments are general in nature but I can say that I am leery of the power structure,in general, true of most countries, because time and time again they prove to be liars…over and over and over again. Yet most people still believe their crap over and over again…and keep lamenting how everyday life, for the average joe, is being made harder by those in charge……with nothing better in sight..but same old, same old.

    I just read the following article. It is not relevant to Ebola but it sort of speaks to the mistrust …Interesting read IMHO.

  4. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    AC; I’ve quickly scanned through the Dr Mayfield Ebola series which you linked. Here is an expert with groundings in Virology and Medicine who is broad minded enough to look at all the facts on the Ebola outbreak and comment on several of the controversial aspects. Dr Robert Lucas and PHD should each take a leaf out of his book as it is almost certain that he is speaking from a position of much more authority, expertise and knowledge in this area than either of them could possibly possess.

    Pachamama; an excellent response to PHD!

  5. @Caribcnd
    Sensible comments.

  6. ac | October 19, 2014 at 8:22 AM |

    Watched the three part series of Ebola – virus…….. Very informative. I like the fact that the doctor is trying to get people to use critical thinking in evaluating and sifting through information disseminated by the powers that be.

  7. unfortunately there are some amongst us who will forever keep burying their heads in the sand and just are too lazy to think for themselves when it comes to taking care of the body , i am a firm believer in the body ability to heal itself and as the DR pointed out that the body is a duplicate of everything that is contained in the earth , but people are too conditioned and paralyze and inhibited by the lack of self confidence and the desire to do the research that would keep them healthy, one should not underestimate the power of the body one that has as much or better scientific laboratory tools( than traditional medical science have) readily at hand within the body that can reinvigorate and rejuvenate the mechanism that are broken or destroyed withing our body.


    Military preps team for Ebola response in US
    and why ?

  9. Is Barbados ready?

    Trinidad appears NOT to be ready.

  10. Off tpoic,

    Is Barbados ready for the 7,000 illegals being sent back from T&T ?

  11. Where’s the empathy for Ebola’s African victims? John Sutter

    (CNN) — The world’s response to Ebola is its own sort of tragedy.
    — The United Nations has asked for $1 billion to fight the spread of the virus. As of Friday, it had collected only $100,000 — or 0.01%. An additional $20 million has been pledged but not received, according to CNN Money. “We need to turn pledges into action,” the U.N.’s Ban Ki-moon told reporters. “We need more doctors, nurses, equipment, treatment centers.”
    — Liberia, meanwhile, which is hardest hit by the virus, says it requires 2.4 million boxes of protective gloves — and 85,000 body bags, to be able to fight the virus in the next six months. Currently, it only has 18,000 boxes of gloves and less than 5,000 body bags.
    Let that second number sink in.
    Eight-five thousand body bags needed.
    But what is actually-really-truly behind the lack of helpfulness on the part of the international community? If you listen to right-wing pundits in the United States, we should blame Obama — who they say is having his “Katrina moment.”
    The true devastation, however, has been unfolding in West Africa for months. And it’s the subject of far less outrage in the United States
    A more rational and deep-seated critique of the international community’s relative inaction emerged in a recent BBC interview with Kofi Annan, the former U.N. secretary general, who is from Ghana..
    “If the crisis had hit some other region,” he’s quoted as telling that news organization, “it probably would have been handled very differently.

    AS worrisome and gruesome as the virus is , it makes one shake their heads in shame at the callous and reckless behavior exhibited by wealthy countries and the shameless gutless propaganda political whores in the republican party who ,makes no bones about throwing the suffering people of Africa into a whirlwind of extinction under the political banner of ISOLATION>

    read the rest of the article

  12. David | October 18, 2014 at 5:21 AM |
    Let the record show that the official position is that Ebola is not airborne.

    David, yes much as the ‘the official position’ was once that there were ‘weapons of mass destruction’.

    Look how THAT has turned out.

    Look at some of the comments , including yours, and see how the ‘official’ position is mishandling the crisis, in each country.

    Are you aware of the WHO internal report that criticizes the WHO’s own handling of the crisis?

    And you want people to walk with the ‘official position’?

    The purpose of analysis and critical thinking is to ask questions, research, challenge and draw conclusions from a broad base of ideas.

    Not merely to accept the status quo like good little sheep.

    Good Wishes

  13. a very educational post and comments to say the least! but whatever the findings some might walk away in disbelief afraid of FEAR,while others might charged forward not letting fear or paranoia invade their minds ,, however in the Final analysis when the smoke is cleared lingering questions of a moral persuasion would be asked real hard questions of benevolence that would leave all feeling ashamed and disturbed would pricked our consciousness especially knowing the initial medicine of kindness a call for all to do what is right and a simple moral gesture of goodwill towards mankind would have stop this virus in its early stages DEAD IN ITS TRACKS<< PEACE AND OUT

  14. @Crusoe

    To repeat, the official position is that the Ebola virus can only be transmitted via touch.

  15. David | October 19, 2014 at 6:32 PM |

    To repeat, the official position is that the Ebola virus can only be transmitted via touch.


    Except that the following booklet from the cdc does mention the fact that ebola has been airborne.

  16. @


    *Where on the fact sheet does it say Ebola can be spread airborne by humans?*

    On 19 October 2014 18:42, Barbados Underground wrote:


  17. David | October 19, 2014 at 6:53 PM |


    Where on the fact sheet does it say Ebola can be spread airborne by humans?

    On 19 October 2014 18:42, Barbados Underground wrote:


    How is Ebola virus spread? (continued)
    Ebola-Reston appeared in a primate research facility in Virginia, where it may have been transmitted from monkey to
    monkey through the air. While all Ebola virus species have displayed the ability to be spread through airborne particles
    (aerosols) under research conditions, this type of spread has not been documented among humans in a real-world setting,
    such as a hospital or household.

  18. @ caribcanadian

    And this is what you have referenced to support that Ebola is airborne?

  19. @David | October 19, 2014 at 7:09 PM |
    @ caribcanadian

    And this is what you have referenced to support that Ebola is airborne?


    While it does not state that transmission is to humans, it is airborne. Mutations, as are occurring, could very well lead to it being transmitted via air to humans.

  20. To the CNN Dr. Sanjay Gupta fans:

    “And this baffling display is not funny. Nurses and physicians who *need* to know how to protect themselves are *not* going to learn how to do that from watching Sanjay. And if you take a look at the comments posted on this video, and news articiles that reference this video, the public is predictably freaked out.”

    This is why I avoid CNN.
    Oh good lord: Sanjay Gupta and personal protective equipment
    Some time last Tuesday, that strange sound you heard was thousands of scientists screaming in agony, and smashing their heads against the nearest keyboard/desk/wall. Good lord, Sanjay. Good lord. What is wrong with you? This…

  21. So, why was the Isolation Unit not placed on a floor in the QEH, four beds only? Section off a piece of the A Ward?

    Wouldn’t that have been closer to access to medical facilities? Very strange?

    Why has Government wasted money on constructing a facility when they could have used the QEH, after all , the official position is that it is not airborne!

  22. Barbados needs to be ready for ChickenGotya, this is EPIDEMIC right now in Bim! They need to conduct INTENSIVE FOGGING and everyone should be scouring their property/ environment for still water everywhere, everyone needs to be fully aware of how to kill these mossies and put a stop to their breeding!

    I was in Bim last month and Proper Action must be taken.

    Probability is that Ebola will never reach Bim. Heaven help wunna if it does as tourism will be snuffed out!

  23. @Carib cnd
    Sure droplets contain bodily fluids!

  24. MoneyBrain | October 27, 2014 at 2:03 PM |
    @Carib cnd
    Sure droplets contain bodily fluids!


    Is that a question? Not sure what you mean.

    I think we’ve been lied to from get go and now, ever so slowly, the CDC is revealing that Ebola is airborne…oops I meant by droplets through the air. Is this just a matter of semantics? I wonder….

  25. @Carib
    The WHO and CDC have both done a lousy job.
    I dont think it is semantics. Droplets are completely different to airborne.
    Airborne is without any fluids present ie just breathing near someone like flu or virus. If it ever transmits by air then expect 100-300mn DEATHS!

  26. similar to the indemnity claimed by the United Nations (UN), whose peacekeepers stand accused of causing the cholera outbreak in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake that devastated the small country.

    An estimated 700,000 Haitians have contracted cholera and 8,500 have died from it since the beginning of the outbreak. While the source of the outbreak could not be conclusively determined, a group of Haitians filed a lawsuit against the UN in 2013.

    It would be exceedingly tempting for US Lawyers on behalf of clever West Africans to sue the US Govt et al for a few $BN. Nigerians for certain are full of money making schemes like 419 scams etc

  27. Ebola a forgotten topic has now reemerged in the news as one Ebola survivor has been diagnosed with a re-occurrence of ebola found in his eye, this indeed is nerve wrecking for survivors and the hundreds of care workers who might have never shown signs of ebola but maybe carriers of this deadly disease lodging somewhere in their anatomy yet to be activated,. this should be of serious concern to the public since the survivor who is a doctor was pronounced as being cured of the disease when first treated and dismissed from the hospital,

  28. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    AC; Thanks!

    I hadn’t seen the report. Serious news indeed.

  29. are-we-there-yet Avatar


    This is the report:

    7 May
    Ebola virus after recovery – virus found in patient’s eye: An American doctor who recovered from Ebola had eye problems, and his healthcare team was surprised to discover the virus was present within it – even though he’d recovered months ago. As published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the virus was deep in the eye, and not present in tears, so he was not at risk for spreading it to others via casual contact. Still, this case – and the recent detection of sexual transmission in Ebola months after a man recovered – highlight how much remains unknown about the disease. Never before have there been thousands of Ebola survivors on the planet. Past outbreaks were small and killed most of those infected. As people recover, some are developing vision and hearing problems, joint and muscle pain and fatigue. Scientists will look for patterns to better understand the Ebola disease process.

  30. @ are we there yet

    this brings into focus what many have been saying about the unknown origins and its deadly potency for germinating in areas of the body after treatment,.this kind of news is sobering giving that in the recent months most people have not given any thought or concern about this deadly virus furthermore to waking up and hearing that a known survivor has been diagnosed with ebola in the eye .
    this is not got news especially if the survivor unknowingly had been in contact with people before being diagnosed, this story should not be dismissed as a one time occurrence and unusual but should be given careful debate and monitoring by the media

  31. This is story is alarming, especially given the time known of the re occurrence by the hospital and the time taken for the medical establishment to release the story . a must read

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